131: Great Barrier Island giants (2)
Incidentally, this is our 250th article on this website.

Way back in 2016 we did an article based on the newspaper report about the supposed giant skeletons on Great Barrier Island (Aotea) in the outer Hauraki Gulf. Here is the link - http://tangatawhenua16.wixsite.com/the-first-ones-blog/single-post/2016/10/13/Sidestep-Great-Barrier-Island-Giants
This post sets out to debunk some tall stories relating to this island.
Recently one of us has the opportunity to take a ferry out to the island for a day or two to investigate these rumours. The article linked above came from a NZ Herald article in 2014 written by Paul Charman. Three groups of people were interviewed by this journalist. I have no time for journalists, particularly those of the New Zealand Herald, because they make up stuff and then print it. [They will do the same to us eventually but we have a remedy for that.] This story of Paul's in the New Zealand Herald is no exception. To put it bluntly, Paul Charman is a big fat liar and I would suspect all his articles are just as suspect as this one.
So, we at tangatawhenua16 will finally provide the truth about Great Barrier Islands and its rumoured giants...
First of all, some of the longest living residents of the island have never heard these stories - at all. The only genuine sighting has been from one man, and only one man. In the lying journalists article, three groups were interviewed. The Willis's of Great Barrier Lodge, the Grays' of Owana, and Stan McGeady of Okiwi. The journalist took a lot of stories from the lodge owners, who have seen absolutely nothing, although they claim to have seen giant adzes that Paddy McGeady had. However, his son Stan, knows nothing of any giant adzes. You'd think he'd tell his son what he told the Willis' wouldn't you? He did not tell his son as there was nothing to tell. Stan would not lie to me; not with what I told him. There are no huge adzes, although Stan knows of one recent unusual find; a wide based adze about 140mm at the blade (most are 90-100mm but not huge adzes to big for a strong 5'6" native to wield). Imagine the below adze at 140mm wide at the base. It was found after 2014. That would be one of a kind in NZ, and extremely heavy - and it's not the only huge adze to be found in NZ. It is likely a ceremonial adze and was just lying on the ground when it was found in the bush, likely dropped there when being pursued. You can guess the rest.

Yet this lying journalist called Paul Charman from the New Zealand Herald, says there were large adzes, and that Stan told him. This lying journalist did phone Stan and was categorically told him that there were no such items. Stan remembers the phone call very clearly and he is really angry at what this lying journalist wrote. Although the recent find was amazing, the lying journalist knows nothing of that one. This also make the Willis's stories fanciful as well, but we assume they tell the stories to impressionable guests to keep them amused so that may be fair enough - the NZH do that too.
Then there are the Grays. Sue has since passed away and Alan knows a lot about the lay of the land, the geology and things found in the bush. However - the lying journalist says that Alan's father uncovered lots of giant skulls; one and a half times the size of normal skulls and that they all had their skulls smashed in near the temple area. (temple area on the side of the skull - not place of worship). This is a complete fabrication from this journalist (belonging to the New Zealand Herald). Trust me... you cannot trust much that is written in the NZH as genuine without fabrication of some sort within it. This lying journalist, who spent time at a cafe with the Gray's (apparently), writes that the skulls were found when draining the Kaitoke swamp to put a road through in the 1920's.
This is also completely untrue. I spent some time talking with Alan at his home, and there are two 8' complete skeletons, not just skulls, and they lie at location we will not reveal to anyone (but he did tell me the location). There were just two giant skeletons, and they were not in the swamp but elsewhere. His father saw them with his own eyes. As far as Alan knows they are still there but he's never ever looked for them, and never will, he's too old to do so. It is likely they have been found by others by now and removed or destroyed. But Alan is 100% sure what his father saw. Yet he knows nothing of any giant adzes - anywhere!
So Great Barrier Island has a lot of false legends, most of it fueled by a journalist writing blatant lies, for some warped sense of journalistic effect, rather than truth of information. But the island does have one true fact - two extremely tall pre-Polynesian skeletons have been found at one time on that island, and the deceitful journalist never did get to know about the one and only true fact out there!
Journalists and facts are worlds apart.

What this story tells you (and why we post it well ahead of time), is that what you will one day read about our find from the major networks and news sites and this will need to be tempered with what you read from us on our own website. Do not believe anything they say about us or our finds without cross checking that manufactured (because it will be) information against our website. In fact, for that purpose, we will eventually have a separate media section that will have the articles printed about us and then every incidence where they lie, twist of truth, create innuendo, imply malicious rumour or incite racial overtones will be revealed. Every word they print that is incorrect will be exposed. Keep in mind, that after our discovery, it is highly likely our website will have more daily hits than Stuff and NZH combined, so we can actually expose typical unprofessional incorrect and malicious journalism to the world...on the same day it happens!
God - I'm excited!