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What we are and What we Aren't


We want to make something clear. Most of you already know, but many don't read particularly well or only skim headlines for their fill of intelligence. We are NOT proponents of any sort of white pre-inhabitant (our skeletons are likely Melanesian). We are NOT connected to Doutre, Brailsford or any of that crew; in fact we disagree with most of them. We are NOT into the Celtic theory (although we were the first in the world to find a link with the Te Papa tribrach and the two Celtic ones in Britain - a confusing find). We are NOT suggesting the Treaty is incorrect, in fact we have stated repeatedly that the treaty is with Maori and therefore has nothing to do with what we are doing. We are NOT anti-Maori but we cannot stop others thinking that and we do question a lot that others don't want questioned. This anti-Maori accusation is hilarious considering IJ has five of Maori descent living in his own household. Shows you how fools can make accusations from their own concealed prejudice doesn't it?

However, the media silbit from RNZ, aka 'instant gratification girl', and others who want their 10c worth, keep trying to say otherwise. Well ok, they can do that; opinion writers and even genuine journalists need to create some shit to throw somewhere to keep them happy, that's what they are good at. And we did lead Susan on, so fair is fair.

We have different races, sexes and beliefs and religions all working in three teams - and not all the team have met the rest of the team. IJ was clever in that regard. There are many that have connected to us over the years and we appreciate their support but that does not mean we all agree on the same things in life. Many would assume we all think the same, we do not. We only really agree 100% on the task at hand. You can have different beliefs and still work in the same office so to speak. Our many supporters, some who were once detractors, all liked the actual physical effort we have put in compared to keyboard warriors who spout theory from their couches. Even RL Davidson; reported to have been one of the diggers (according to 'instant gratification girl'), laughed so hard when he read that, because none of the team (including IJ) have personally met him as he's a long time supporter who simply collected donations as a distraction and whose views on some things differs from ours yet we work together on a common theme. That's how it should be. But Strongman's, and especially Tom O'Connors article, reveals how you can't believe all what you read in the media and how they 'create' stuff out of thin air without solid research. Some is pure bullshit - once again, they need to create it to fling it somewhere, that is just the state of the modern media.

That rant aside, who but IJ and MD have revealed to the world a range of non Polynesian items like…

  • The Tribrach connection

  • The Melanesian bow found 6’ under-ground in Tauranga

  • The stone bowl found 4’ under-ground in Tauranga

  • The stone mace found deep in a stone beach in Marlborough

  • The Okia godstick with non-Polynesian features

  • The Mapuche/MoriOri - clava/patu comparisons

  • The hexagonal miti (no other Polynesian comparison exists)

  • The Matira petroglyphs (no other Polynesian comparisons exist)

  • That outside NZ there are no spirals petroglyphs/wooden carvings in Polynesia. (Melanesia has them)

  • The Murawai boomerang (questionable origin but made of NZ timber)

  • The stone eggs of Pelorus (stone throwing eggs are Melanesian)

  • The first part evidence of the ancient tall race said to exist in small numbers in this land. After all, our femur equates to an 8’2” female or an 7’10” male.

  • That as recent as 2008 an Archaeologist and an Iwi monitor we have already named were complicit in a cover up of a 7’ ‘pre-Polynesian skeleton. That comment was witnessed and if we find what we still hope to find, that person will speak openly of it.

  • And much more we don’t want to mention yet…

The key point here is that we at TW16 are doing something few have ever done. We are misunderstood but we don't care about that, as we question everything; from ourselves, to artefacts that don’t fit the narrative, to articles on racism (and we have even reminded people that Maori accounted for 20 x more deaths upon Maori with the musket than the European in the NZ wars) - just to remind people that there are two histories, not one. We have even debunked some popular stories and so-called artefacts. We also put one up recently on the Kaimanawa Wall soon to prove that it is a natural formation. Opinion writers in the media don't care about those things we write as they aren't 'contentious' enough to warrant publishing.

So you are free to call us what you like, link us with whoever you like, and even show racism against us…all our 288 posts since April 2016 (with a few that need a little updating as we have learned a lot in that time), reveal the truth and show the media to be what they are when they try to twist a story into something they want to manufacture it into. We have left some of what we have written (since we decided it needs revising) to show that we aren’t afraid to show our progression of thought, understanding and discovery from the day the idea came to IJ that the story many know wasn’t one but two. The more we have dug, the more we’ve found (both in dirt and the internet) and as algorithms learn what you want we are only finding things now that would never appear 3 years ago.

So yes, the journey continues. It always was, just not where some were baited to and you’ll find what we mean by that if you have read both website and FB posts. We are well ahead of the game. Some may have guessed that IJ was away last week and that bone that Dr Sian Halcrow says is ‘likely’ a Moa has has and is being examined. All that was made possible by an incoming contact.

So things happened better than we planned. Contacts, offers, even increased interest from the USA now. We suppose we should send Susan Strongman (aka ‘instant gratification girl’) a fruit basket or something. One day soon IJ will buy her a coffee, but she still won’t know it’s him.


1 Comment

Feb 26, 2020

Keep digging. The stories dont lie. Giants were chased of the cliffs. One day a Find will change History

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