7: NZ Petroglyphs
All rock carvings in NZ are unusual in that Maori did not carve rock as art. There are early Maori sites where they have 'painted' or drawn with charcoal on limestone cliff faces in Canterbury or North Otago. But there are sites of carved rock in Waikato, Coromandel, and as far down as the coast curving around Mt Taranaki. Taranaki makes sense because the Urukehu were on the west coast near Raglan anyway. There was a great site in a soft stone sea-cave at the Tongaporutu River mouth which was finally destroyed by two big storms around 2007. These are now lost forever
Here are a few pictures...all NZ petroglyphs. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th photos were of the Tongaporutu site. the 1st is on the Chatham Islands and the 6th is from near Pungarehu. You've already seen the Raglan photos and representations from the Matira rocks.
