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10: Jaw Lines


There is much discussion (yet little proof) that whenever the 'tall ones' skeletons are discovered they do not have the traditional rocker jaw. It is said that this is because these 'first ones', the real Tangata Whenua, did not come from Polynesia or Melanesia, but from elsewhere.

Once again, it is not my job to suggest where they came from. DNA analysis will reveal that. But there are some who say not all Maori have a rocker jaw. Well, if they bred with those already here not all would, would they? But not the chiefs, not the royal lines, not the important ones. They didn't inter-breed.

Why am I saying this? Because I present two things to consider.

1. The difference in jaw lines between these two heads

2. The fact that all these chiefs heads collected are ALL rocker jaw. Now you've seen that, consider all the facial structure differences with those I've numbered. It is just interesting but I'm not proposing anything. (BTW No.15 looks like he'd have been a bit of a hard case character and I think he is the same one as the second photo above)

My opinion is that there is much similarity between the redhead preserved heads and normal heads. Therefore, there is no conclusive proof that any of these Urukehu did not have a rocker jaw and that the story was probably developed by those wanting to believe in European Celtic roots for those who were here before Maori arrived. I personally do not subscribe to the Celtic theory (for that is all it is - a theory, until conclusive proof is provided).

A red headed Maori with full moko and a distinctive non rocker jaw.

Meantime, we will continue to focus on the facts as we find and present them. If these skeletons do have rocker jaw but are dated as 900+ years old and the DNA is from say, Peru for example - then the whole Celtic origin thing can finally be put to rest.

Heck, but what if the jaws are....and the DNA tests prove...?


And just to show how difficult this all is, below are two European skulls. One is male and the other female. One looks like a rocker jaw and the other a normal square jaw. Interesting aye!

And below are four more in this order - left to right. African Amercian male, Aboriginal male, European female, and Native American female.

When a skull is tilted so the rear sits about 5-6cm higher, the jaw line of a Caucasoid skull would normally sit flat, whereas a Maori skull would sit off the surface both in front and the back...a true rocker jaw. But even so, European females have a slight rocker jaw compared to males. Confused? You should be. And even within Maori you have three types of differences or locational influences. They are Waitaha, Melanesian and Polynesian. Skin, nostrils, eyes and hair reveal those differences when the person is still living. The skulls and teeth when they are not.

Early Maori, and so we assume those before them, had excellent dental arches. Teeth, even if well worn, were still of good shape and free of decay.

So, let us not be fooled by stylized 'sketches' of the two different skulls on Celtic NZ's pages, tilted for effect. Better we see real skulls and real comparisons. And we will!



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