23: Evidence
It's Valentine’s Day, so be nice to your loved one...and everyone else around you. Show some evidence of your love.
Just four days ago I visited an archaeological site few know about. Koiwi (skeletal remains) were removed but the artefacts were reburied and the site now becomes a commercial site. Much more remains around the area and you can feel the history, imagine the area with the old thatched whare’s and people collecting shellfish. The sand banks have been eroded severely as old dried turnips hang under the sand banks. But this little stretch of beach would have to be the most peaceful place I have visited in the North Island. Well ok, it was on a Wednesday to be fair! You see, I saw an old photo, researched it, found the site, the dig plans, the list of things discovered and I went there. Had I walked over it without knowing what I did, I would have felt something (I always do) but not known what was there. Having the information before you go makes it more worthwhile...evidence! And I found four interesting things I did not expect to find. I like finding things like places few have been to as the picture below will reveal.
Now back to the main purpose of this blog.
In the light of all the stories where the discovered 'tall ones' skeletons have been taken away, and sites being closed, it would seem that with no evidence of any of these purported ‘discoveries’, the stories must be untrue. Maybe they are? Maybe they aren’t? But neither you nor I can prove or disprove conclusively. It could be fantasy, or it could be conspiracy as some suggest. Time will tell people, and it's not that far away!.
However, skeletons specifically hidden in caves would mean there are still some undiscovered skeletons in unopened or resealed caves. The problem isn’t the possibility - the problem both the sceptics and even we have...it is the lack of that evidence!
Absence of evidence of the 'tall ones' skeletons is not necessarily evidence of the absence of the 'tall ones'. But in spite of that, the only thing that will satisfy many, and us, is evidential proof. That is what this whole blog is about. So...apologies for the lack of it so far, but we only discovered the location in November and began this blog on 8th January. While time is needed to access and document what is inside properly, as already discussed, we will provide interesting sidelines of information as well as insights into unusual archaeological incidents and discoveries within NZ - most of which point to others being here before Maori. If you've been following you may have learned of things you were never aware of previously - like the Korotangi.
Occasionally some controversial topics may arise, and any suggestions or difficult questions posed should not offend, rather they are an opportunity to defend with logical argument.
Oh, and we will be able to report what you are waiting on soon. An entry date is almost set.
Be patient - It’s all leading somewhere.

Just above the lost Drury coal mine. Totally unrelated to this blog, but a nice picture nonetheless.