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18: More on who the 'tall ones' really are


It is so hard to get accurate information on who these 'tall ones' supposedly discovered actually are. See our previous posts about them...(Posts 1,2,9 &11).

Waitaha, those here before Maori arrived, have a tradition that came out in a song. Oral tradition passed down over generations and taught accurately and completely, is one of the most accurate forms of information transfer - learning it word by word until it is burned into your memory. Here is the tradition of Waitaha.

Regardless of whether you believe it or not, consider the possibility. The oral history of Waitaha was kept safe in song apparently, and was first shared with all people seven years ago when a part of the ancient traditions were given within the pages of “The Song of Waitaha: The Histories of a Nation”. Within these pages is found a description of the three distinct racial groups from which the Nation of Waitaha was founded. The following descriptions appear on page 82 and state:

“They came from the four winds. Some were dark skinned and some were white, yet they gathered at Waitangi Ki Roto ( Easter Island) out of the rising sun. They learned to speak as one and work as one in the interests of all. We honour forever the three coloured strands that came together in this land to bind the heart, mind and spirit of the Nation…

1- Uru Kehu were the children of Kiwa, the golden ones, the short people with pale freckled skin, blue eyes and fair or red hair. They came to Waitangi Ki Roto out of the rising Sun.

2- Maoriori looked back to Hotu Matua, for they were a dark skinned, very tall, big boned people, with dark eyes and long black hair. Their trail began in the lands of the setting Sun.

3- Kiritea were small and fair skinned and had long black hair and green eyes. Their features carried the marks of the tallest of all mountains, and the enduring qualities of stone.”

Then there is this other account of pre-Maori people groups from an earlier (1890's) source

1 - Hawea: regarded as inferior. Dark skin and curly hair

2 - Rapuwai: Copper coloured, ginger hair

3 - Waitaha: Comprising of...

  • Urukehu: fair skinned, bright hair and blue eyes. Their chief was Kiwa

  • Kiritea or stone people: Similar to Urukehu, slanty eyes red hair, fair skin and hazel eyes. There were the builders and carvers of stone

  • Maoriori (some say Moriori, others say they are different to the Moriori)

Now the Maori version:

Uru Turehu, Turehu and Patupaiarehe. Maori myth and legend contains much in the way of reference to Uru Turehu, Turehu and Patupaiarehe, forest and mountain dwellers endowed with magical powers and abilities. An elusive people whom, before becoming part of modern folklore, may have well been of the early comers.

It would appear likely then that there was a well established culture on this land long before the early Maori waka came from the Polynesian islands 650 years ago, or 46 generations back. Yet present day descendants of the early comers (Waitaha) say they can trace their lineage in New Zealand through continuous lines that go back 76 generations and even a staggering 135 generations.

So where many say the Urukehu were tall, Waitaha tradition says otherwise. One thing is for sure - no one really knows.

All we know is the 'tall ones', once finally exposed, will light up the archaeological world when the information is released in a way it cannot be suppressed. In that regard the internet and social media has become the greatest tool.

Sketch of boulder 3 from Matira Rd


1 Comment

Nov 14, 2024

Do you have a reference for the 1890's source quoted in this article

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