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19: Our real purpose


If you’re reading this you may have looked through most of the site. I encourage you to read it all from the beginning of post no.1.

If you’ve done that, you may have found some slight clues and if not, you will have learned about things you would not have read anywhere else...anywhere. Why is that? Because we don’t just copy and paste everything we post, we research and investigate as best we can with what we have available. As more information is available, we amend those posts.

We have some supporters and we have some detractors. That's good. I don’t blame the detractors as they’ve probably heard many claims being made about similar stuff, as we have - and it’s all come to nothing (at least in the way of providing some real evidence). However, (and I’ll word it this way)…'IF' the evidence comes out, detractors will then become supporters (by evidence of proof) or they will turn into opponents because of the political implications, or racial issues.

This is no rush job. But along the way we want to entertain, inform, throw up some interesting stuff, pose questions and get everyone thinking, and that includes us. We are open to correction, indeed within the posts you'll see a day when I found something I didn't want to - yet I posted it anyway.

Our real purpose - the main goal - the No.1 focus, remains on producing substantiated evidence of the lost 'tall ones' skeletons. Most of the other posts (sidesteps) are time fillers, but interesting none the less. So, please…no one stress out from either side. We are not anywhere close to being able to reveal any photographic or video evidence as you will have understood (if you have read the whole blog so far).

This is not a local photograph but it is indicative

At some point you will be told what we can reveal, hopefully with enough graphic evidence that will not give away the location. Even then, many may rubbish the information until full evidence is produced. That is somewhat reasonable because I have been openly criticizing others for their lack of evidence (although to be fair – 10 years is a long time to wait for said evidence).

Just give us at minimum of a year (December 2016) and a maximum of two to reveal everything as clear evidence in every medium possible and worldwide using social media. Now you know why this cannot be rushed.



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