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Just saying thanks


We are seeing consistent growth in the number of people viewing this website. The counter (above right) has only been up since mid-February and it shows that many are interested in our task of revealing the long lost 'tall ones' - regardless of who they are, how long they have been here, or where they orginate. So 40 new visits a day is not bad for an obscure website on an unusual topic. Just goes to show that people are genuinely interested in the fact we are trying to present things for people to think about without getting all weird about it.

We won't speculate without saying so. We don’t make outrageous claims we can’t justify and we do present evidence of the things we post (such as the two legendary caves in Tameana and Hineana that many talked about yet couldn't locate – until we provided evidence they did indeed exist)...and that's just the 'Sideline' posts between each main numbered article.

We also hope that you find this blog entertaining as we begin to present our evidence of the tall ones. There are a few burial sites, but are concentrating on only one at present. Our first task is producing evidence that the 'tall ones' exist. Proper tests will eventually tell us where their ancestors originated from. While we do this we will continue to put up thought provoking articles on other issues. We do not mind people disbelieving or disagreeing with some things we present, as long as they are prepared to debate honestly if they wish to do so on Facebook. I have no problem with agreeing to disagree on any matter. In fact - that is healthy.

In the area of disagreement, the same goes for the other end of this type of 'origins' website...the Celtic or Chinese arrival believers, of which I am not one, although I agree it should be discussed. To date I have seen no conclusive evidence but there are some things that even we have presented to consider - such as the Auckland Museum spiraled marker stone on 27th January, and the Chinese Mauku artefact we will present tommorrow.

Some claim they have DNA evidence of Celtic connection, yet no such evidence has ever been produced. I'm am not saying it is or isn't true (so please do not get offended) - I'm simply saying that no evidence of any DNA test has ever been produced. If there is one, copy it and present it on a website with the location, laboratory and the name of the scientist who conducted the test. Credibility suggests evidence should always support a 'definate' claim that soemthing exists. As many of you will know, we often take the middle view on just about everything until conclusive evidence is produced - that is the most intelligent way to approach it. We even do that with our own task.

Even with the Mauku artefact, it might suggest a Chinese ship once arrived here but it doesn't prove it. Now if we found three such items, all buried under 500 year old trees...then we have the right to suggest there is more to it. There have been many one-off random and unusual artefacts found in NZ, but no two are even remotely alike. This could be from the random arrivals of many different cultures - but it does not provide absolute proof.

Please...debate with us, present discussion, and stay with us. But unless you have hard evidence or can suggest scenarios as possibilities, we will have to agree to disagree on 'definates' in the short term. So I guess you could say that we fit in the middle of this debate on those being here before Maori.

We acknowledge Maori's ultimate domination of the land and cherish their culture and their beliefs, even if we do question some things occasionally. Ultimately all we are trying to do is bring to light the existence of those forgotten ones who were here first before the migration canoes arrived, those that are literally calling for their existence to be known in the same way Waitaha had in its time of revealing (and that culminated politically in a treaty payment). If you take the time to read the section above “why this blog was started”, you will may begin to understand our task from a new perspective.

When you eventually see what is hidden in this cave in the months to come, you will be pleased you followed us because the revealing will create quite a stir, if it is as we believe it is (see - even we are cautious of our own discoveries). So keep talking sharing and visiting. And don’t forget to connect via Twitter and Facebook and make comments, suscribe, email us, or add things on Facebook. And do not hestitate to report on any current or historical find you have not seen mentioned on this website.

With that in mind, if you are reading this, please distribute the links below to as many people on as many forums as you possibly can. The benefit is the overwhelming exposure will ensure the find cannot be ignored as we open more and more up as circumstances allow.



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