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Sidestep: Do Maori still exist (Pt2)


This is an extension to the post on 27th February.

You will recall we discussed what one large tribe has said openly. Ngai Tahu assert... “that due to conflict and intermarriage these groups (Waitaha and Kati Mamoe) have become incorporated into Ngai Tahu, and are no longer distinct". If that is true then Maori no longer exist as a race. They can exist only in legislation. They do not live as they once did, eat, walk, fish, hunt, house themselves or dress as they once did. That is ok, for I don’t do the same as my ancestors from the 1600’s either. That is why I am a kiwi living in 2016, with 2016 ideals and luxuries. I don’t long for horse transport, and stone houses on windswept hills with no heating or medicines…or no education.

Nor are Moriori a distinct race of people any more. The last full blooded Moriori died in 1933. There are no full blooded Maori anymore therefore Maori are no longer a distinct race of people. I read on that someone said those that say that are perpetuating a racist myth for they see it as something coming from Europeans. They said "all Maori are full blooded". Mmmm, I guess the obvious isn't obvious to all and they know little of genetics - but the spiritual connection is strong and that is good.

You see, everyone has 2 family trees. First there is a genealogical tree and then there is a genetic tree. Your genealogical tree is the tree containing ALL of your ancestors. However, only a tiny subset of these individuals actually contribute DNA to the genome that you walk around with today. These ancestors are the only individuals in your genetic tree. It has been estimated that at 10 generations only about 10-12% of ancestors in your genealogical tree are actually in your genetic tree.

Accordingly, even if all your ancestors at 10 generations originated in the British Isles, there is possibility that your DNA could include very little or absolutely no British Isles ancestry, simply because of the rules of genetics.

There have been no full blooded Maori since about 1880. In the very near future, those who call themselves Maori that have 1/8th now (and that raises some questions because their stronger genetic makeup is elsewhere) may have zero genetic connection at all. That would mean in the future Maori may have genealogy but no actual genetic connection to their forbears. Thoser that can count back their ancestors to the 14 century might be whiter, freckled, with red hair and blue eyes and Scandinavian features, looking more European than most Europeans - and yet claim to be Maori. No you are not. And before one particular 1/16th lady jumps up and down, it's happening to all races sweetie!

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