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Sidestep: The Birdmen of Hawaii


We all know of the birdmen rocks of Rapanui, the carved rocks of Easter Island that have fascinated many for as long as the Moai have. Rapanui is a strange Island in many ways and there are many theories about who was there first, who came next, where they went and why left. Below are three photos from two sites on Rapanui.

But there are also theories about Pacific-wide travel involving East-West and North-South ocean voyages, not just of discovery, but of trade. Some things point to this being possible and also that the Peruvians traveled east to Rapanui...or was it the other way around?

Well, here are just a few photos that raise some questions.

#1 - Is a good example of a Bird-man relief from South America. Belongs to a pair of crouching bird-men depicted on a ceramic bead from the island of Puna off the northern coast of the Inca empire bear a striking resemblance to their EI counterparts. (cheers to Andre' Thunestvedt for finding the location they came from)

#2 - If anyone can find out more about this item let me know. I found these photo's a while back and filed them. This stone (pohaku) was found in the Moanalua Valley in Hawaii. There are other carved petroglyphs that are similar there. THis is unusual because the carved figured are raised and face outward, not inward.

#3 - These birdman-like beads are from Equador.

So what's the connection between South Americas, Easter Island and Hawaii? Is there one?

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