37: An unexpected connection
There is a drawing of an artifact that I found in an old journal, but before I talk about it, I will remind you of the pattern from one of the inscribed rocks at the Matira site that we revealed on our very first post on 8th January. This inscription is just one of several but it's pattern is unusual. And it is connected with those we call the 'tall ones', those over 7' tall that existed before Maori and whose bones are secreted away in hidden caves and chambers. The linear pattern (and the one to the right we use for our logo) are special in a way we will reveal in due time. I have seen something similar to the one on the right on another rock.
Now what makes this linear pattern interesting it that it seems very definate. It looks random, but it isn't. Exactly what it represents we can only speculate so I'd rather not at this stage. But I wanted to show it again because it relates closely to the pattern incised in the artifact below.

This item is cut from close-grained whale bone, represents a fish, perhaps the Bonito. The rectilinear compartmented pattern cut medianly is presumably an ideograph. The nearest approach to this pattern in Oceania (outside the Chatham Islands) occurs on carved wooden bowls from Santa Cruz. This item was found in the south-west part of Chatham Island. Also of interest is the notching revealing it to be very old.
So far the fish provides the only similar grid pattern, (clearly) in an artefact. And of all places it was found in the Chatham Islands. Maori say the Moriori arrived there direct from Hawaiiki. We know they didn't and the fact that inscribed rocks from Matira show a disticnt similaroty suggests the Moriori were chased from the west coast as we have suggested prior.
But the Matira location holds tall skeletons. The Moriori are not that tall. Is it possible then, that the Moriori were very early arrivals and learned patterns from those previously here? We will probably never know unless we find some more evidence.
A lot of artefacts that do not fit what Maori say occurred are hidden away. We cannot prove their existence but there are stories of them by well respected people of the late nineteenth century like Elsdon Best. What about the boomerang found in 1925 at Muruwai, deep in an exposed midden? What happened to the little figurine of Steatite (soapstone) found at Mauku that Elsdon Best refers to. He saw it and it was of an Asian man in costume. It wasn't very big. How did it get in the ground at Mauku and is there a drawing of it. More importantly, where is it now? I will find a drawing of it and post it sometime.