58: A Giant sized problem
You all know by know we are seeking to expose the existence of ancient skeletons hidden from public knowledge and at least 8' tall. Some call them giants, we just call them 'very tall'. A 'giant' would have to be 9' before I use that term.
Many websites and claims have been made about the existence of humans ranging up to 20' high. All photos of supposed skeletons have been fake. Now regardless of whether you believe in creation or evolution, there is a limit to what a human being can actually be in height and function normally. Lets examine some claims made by certain websites around the world. Here is just one...

None of these skeletons have ever been produced as evidence but that does not mean they did not exist. So we will turn to science to see if any of them are possible.
Now while I believe large people can and do exist, (see our post from 24th January 2016 - go there now and read it and then come back - http://tangatawhenua16.wix.com/the-first-ones-blog#!12-Do-extraordinary-tall-people-exist/cgla/569f49710cf2ff2c456ecf41 - there is a limit to the functioning height of a 'giant'.
Our belief is anything beyond 12' is impossible, and the lower you go toward 8' the more likely tall races once existed in various places around the world. But why is this the case? Well, before going all emotional on what you want to be true - lets examine how life functions. Let's examine a natural law. The Square Cube Law.
The Square-cube Law:
Bodies change in size by what is called the square-cube law. That is, imagine a cube that is 1 X 1 X 1. Now double it. What you will see is that the surface area of a cube is the number of sides (6) times the area of each square, so in the first case, the surface area is 1 X 1 X 6 or 6 cm2. The volume is the length of each side muliplied together or 1X1X1 = 1 cm3. Now, lets double the cube. The surface area now is 6X2X2=24 cm2, and the volume is 2X2X2 = 8 cm2. What you can see is that the second cube has a surface area 4 times greater than the first, this is because surface area increases as the square of the increase in linear dimensions. However, if you look at volume, the volume is 8 times larger which is the cube of the increase of the linear dimensions. So, if you double the size of an organism, you increase the surface area only four times yet you increase the volume it holds 8 times.

What does that mean for us? What it means is that if we double the size of the animal, the mass of the animal is going to be eight times greater, it will weigh more in other words, and the surface area is relatively smaller leaving less space for transport. This may be good in that an animal in the arctic could keep heat inside of it longer, or bad because an animal in the desert can't lose heat fast enough. It also means a lot when looking at systems. The intestine is not one big vat, it is a long, narrow tube with a complex surface area to maximize surface area in a given volume. The lung is a convoluted set of smaller and smaller tubes. Both of these things pack as much tissue into a given volume in order to better absorb materials.
This also has an effect on metabolism. A shrew takes in only a few grams of food per day while an elephant may take in hundreds of pounds. However, the shrew takes in a proportion that is relatively larger and is greater than the mass of the animal. This is because its metabolism has to be much greater in order to operate. Metabolism slows with size. In mammals, this partially has to do with the need to keep warm. If a shrew had a human metabolism, it would need an insulation of fur 25 cm thick to keep active, in other words it would just be a fur ball.
How does the square-cube law pertain to size? Well, where it comes into play is that with an increase in size of an animal, there has to be a relatively greater increase in size of its supporting structures. If we look at the leg bones of a mouse, a human, and an elephant and scale them so the lengths are the same, they might look something like this. Note that the elephant leg bone is considerably thicker than the humans and the humans is thicker than the mouse. What this means is that a Liliputian could not exist. A human shrunk down to the size of a mouse would have limbs that the human could not move. They would be too heavy. Giants like Paul Bunyan that stand 20 ft. high would also be impossible because their form would have to be so drastically changed in order to accommodate the increase in size that the person would no longer look human.
Any human over 12' would be too slow for combat and be easy overrun by smaller creatures, or smaller humans. It could be said then, that this is why giants are extinct. That could be true, but one greater than 12' would be very clumsy indeed. My belief is none existed above 12' except they were mutations and died early. No race of 12'+ people ever existed in our opinion as it is anatomically impossible. Let's take the account of David and Goliath. If you believe giants existed, then you have to accept this tale as possible too. So let's examine the story. David ran toward Goliath. Did Goliath run to David? No. He threw a spear instead because he was slow, using his massive weapons and size to produce fear. He was about 10'6" tall, but his strength would mean the force at which the spear flew through the air would be faster than any normal human could throw it. A smaller person, with no armour, may be able to dodge a spear.
So, even at 10'6" a human might be powerful, but not necessarily quick and agile. Imagine therefore, someone at 18'. They'd be bedridden, and even people like Robert Wadlow (shown below), who was not born from a genetically perfect family of tall humans, had trouble walking. It's a biological fact humans cannot exist properly over a certain height. It is known that almost everyone who has passed the 7′ 6″ point has had a history of pituitary gland issues.

Height is a matter of genetics, so a good gene pool of excessive height genes would produce a good, healthy, race of tall people. To many this healthy race would seem abnormal. To them we would look inferior.
Our 'tall-ones' are giants compared to us, but they are not giants of the stories...they were simply a genetically perfect race of extraordinary tall human beings. They will confirm that certain stories are possible and others are not. The bones will look proportionally correct, if not slightly thicker...and we hope to expose them to the world this coming year.