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60: A maximum of 12


In post #58, I said a race of humans above 12' could simply not exist - (maybe as an individual freak of nature but certainly not as a race). Here is some more gleaned from elsewhere.

Femur of 8 foot Giant Heidelberg man found in South Africa compared to normal size woman’s femur. “Professor Francis Thackeray shows Michael Tellinger and friends the rarely seen part of the upper leg bone with hip joint of a giant that would have stood about 12 feet or 3,5 metres tall. This bone has been in the vaults of of the medical school at WITS University, Johannesburg since the early 1960s, when it was found by miners in a mine in northern Namibia. It is one of the most precious and rare specimens available today that clearly indicate the existence of giants in Southern Africa more than 40,000 years ago. Michael shares this video clip as part of his continued research into the origins of humankind, the vanished civilizations of southern Africa and the strange anomalies we discover on this journey.”

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Homo Sapiens: Giant of Castelnau – de Lapouge, 1890.

Height: 10 – 11 1/2 ft

Weight: 1000 lbs

9,000 – 5,000 years ago.

Neolithic France.

I neither agree nor disagree with any of this content. I just find it interesting.


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