Sidestep: Okiwi bay artefact
Okiwi Bay is in the news recently and it reminded me to post up this unusual 'patu'.
Marlborough Sounds have been the source of some very unusual finds ( as you will know if you have seen all our posts on this site) -
Undefended habitation terraces (Pre-Maori)
Possible cremation sites
A tomb of piled stones containing a crouched human burial
Unconventional objects and carved figures (!Sidestep-DUrville-Artefacts/cgla/5709bfab0cf2ecf50ee95f6b )
Well here is a most unusual 'patu' that was found in 1955 about 5 feet below the current beach gravel level. It is 225mm long and has a typical chisel bottom edge as the blade.

This is very deep and therefore very old. There was suggestion that the beach could have build up with tide action and the 1885 earthquake. Well, that is plausible if the artefact was a typical patu - IT ISN'T. It currently lies hidden away somewhere and is unlikely to see the light of day nay time soon.
It is made of Permian basalt and iut has some resemble to certain types of Chatham Island pate. There is no suggestion that this is a weapon of war for it may indeed be ceremonial. The spikes are typical of the notched type designs of ancient Waitaha.