81: Entry Progresses
On May 5th 2016 we reported we had started to dig and were able to see the end of Kūwaha Tāwhetaana with a camera on gopher rods. (The name doesn't represent the actual cavern, just the diabolical entrance to it). We were wrong - very wrong. As most of you know, the tube leading to the cavern was back-filled in such a way that it has been incredibly slow, and combined with a wet winter, floods and slips...we were a long way off finishing - much longer than expected. To make matters worse...so far...the fill is double the length we first thought. Let's hope it's not triple!
Someone filled this cave entrance in a specific way to try prevent entry by anyone else. And you can tell by the way the dirt hides clay and the clay is on top of a layer of rocks embedded in clay that requires vigorous digging to remove - and all of that in a very confined space. Removing one football sized rock in the confined crawlspace can take five to ten minutes...one rock! Our best tool is this one pictured below and it works very well.

We are most definitely confronted with a deliberate method of back-fill designed to discourage access - if anyone else should find it. Why? As we have said before - you don't go to that much trouble to hide a cave entrance back filling it so far and in such a way unless you wanted to prevent people finding out what is inside. Any casual attempt to see why it was filled would end in discouragement (unless you knew what it was concealing). We believe we do.
It is just as well the entrance was not dynamited (but no Kaumatua would have allowed that as it could damage the bones inside and bring bad luck to them in doing so and no genuine archaeologist would want them destroyed forever either). Fate has helped us in this regard but no one ever expected it to be easy, well IJ did, but he was wrong - very wrong. This will take some time yet to clear.
Within visual distance from large prominent hill that oversees a huge expanse of Waikato, we may never be in a position to disclose it's exact location, and without that you'll never find it. We will only ever be able to say where it is publicly, if the entrance is one day properly secured and locked or permanently sealed again. What we mean is that we need official government protection and acknowledgement of both it's existence and the contents thereof. This will only happen if we can expose the contents and force public and government recognition of a people being here long before Maori arrived, (ie: recognized with no Maori interference at all). Hey, it may yet be that there is nothing of the nature we search for inside...but let's hope our gut instincts are right. You don't fill an entrance to an empty cave this way unless you want to hide something for a very long time.
Since February 2016, and while we slowly dig we have continued to post up some amazing finds elsewhere, many of them sitting in museums. We call it internet archaeology (as some of them requires many days of 'digging' to find, following leads and links until what was hidden is revealed by the search engines). Some of it takes months.
But we are doing the business...and now the wick is lit. Lets hope that it results in a boom - not a bust.
And so Duece G, you can see we are not 'full of shit' as you have accused us of on one of our our Facebook posts in months past. Or as Damz Kenealy recently said "Just fuck up and dig your tunnel so we can see if there's any substance to your claims or if you're full of shit. Stop procrastinating." These two people are typical of those who spill their guts with opinion yet are do nothing themselves...at least we have an opinion and are actively supporting it! We do not take excessive insult to either rude and crass remarks, but rather seek to fulfill our obligations to all those who continue to follow us, including both of them, because if they are following us we DO have an obligation to fulfill what we say even if we have said over and over to those that are willing to hear it.......... "even we are not 100% sure of what's behind the fill". That obligation is to provide evidence - something one needs to present when coming up with what are seen as extreme theories.
However, we are not here to argue anything, only to present theories and eventually, evidence of the 'tall skeletons' reported to be deep inside our cave. And without being too repetitive (sadly there are some who cannot read or cannot comprehend what they read), IF there is nothing of note inside, (ie we only find skeletons that are of ordinary stature) - we will simply state that. Knowing some we are in contact with, we may be accused of covering up the truth if we say we find no tall skeletons inside. I've already had someone suggest we work for the government! An unbelievable statement I know, but that is what we are up against - crackpots from both sides.
But seriously, imagine seeing something like this for the first time...

...and measuring the femur to find it is 66cm long from the top of the femural head that enters the pelvis, to the bottom of the medial epicondyal (the longest of the two epicondyal's that join with the knee). That would mean the femur belonged to an individual of 8' tall within a group all +/- 8'!
All this work better be worth it.