73: Relative Evidence
Often I'm asked what is in this for me and why I'm doing it? That detail is for a later time but to put it briefly...the satisfaction of doing something no one else has done successfully (ever) and because this task wasn't my idea, this cave found me (more on that another time).
I was talking to someone recently who believes in all we are doing and showed me articles and a book about evidence of giants elsewhere in the world. Not that I doubt tall races existed, for we are seeking that ourselves, but often a whole presentation is based on just one grainy photo, often an old black and white, but with no scale to the photo. For example, a photo showing a skull in a hole - where is the ruler and not just a painted rod that can be deliberately made smaller, but also a watch or personal item for relative scale. Where are the shots from various angles, heights and profiles. Nope, they are all one single grainy shot and that's it - and we all go 'wow!', and believe it as genuine with no questions asked. Now, I'm not saying that means they are all fake discoveries, however I am just saying that a single photo raises more questions than it answers. If you are not sure why, then you could be taken in by everything and anything presented anywhere about anything.
By now you all know by now I'm the biggest skeptic of poorly constructed evidence...and I encourage all of you to treat what we do the same way. With what is presented, what does the photo show? Like the one above - what does it suggest, what doesn't it show, and why is there only one photo? Like I said, question everything!
Whilst the first revealing will be a single photo to a pre-planned and very wide audience to test worldwide reaction, the main presentation of our find will be in many forms including photos and video, some along with everyday items in the shots as well as the usual specialized archaeological measuring tools you see in official shots of digs. This will include a proper graduated and numbered tape measures not just a bi-coloured scale than could have it's scale sizing altered. For open release, (the first single photo will appear on Ancient Origins on our behalf), our website will eventually provide 'relative' evidence, not just a picture of a long femur but the whole skeleton/s, and from many different angles of it including measures and other items for scale. Now I suppose a clever person could even fake photos from various angles with what is available in software these days, so how about video showing the same thing you've just seen in a set of photos? That cannot be faked.
Yes, when this story first breaks out (and assuming what is at the end of a hand filled 25m tube full of hand filled quarry dust, river stones and clay is what is worthy of such a devious back filling), then when we are fully ready with DNA and dating, the fully presented evidence will be indisputable. Indisputable!
That means all old evidence will have to be measured against the standard of the new evidence. It will also mean the world will sit up and take notice as word of the find will be on every social media site within hours. And comparable photos and video will be accessed from our site (which means we need a new site with the very best of hacking defenses as presently it’s just a basic site).
The next step will be presenting this evidence to the authorities and by-passing those currently called ‘tangata whenua’ to ensure the find of the ones that were here first is never hidden away again. Also to make certain that official protection is afforded to some trusted custodians until a trustworthy body can be formed to begin an official search of every site, record and museum with the aim of finding that which has been hidden or destroyed elsewhere. This will involve a public request for stories, artifacts and evidence that relates to those here before Maori - and some of you know what that will reveal.
And if we are successful in doing all of that, here are some things we want investigated…
The tall skeletons found on Great Barrier Island
Why the 12 inscribed rocks at Raglan never had any official protection and why there is only one left with no official recognition or protection (we know why, but I want a public statement of it)
That Tainui be requested to subject the Korotangi carved bird to accurate investigation and dating to show whether it is made from Indonesian jade and by metal tools, not something that came from Raiatea with them in the canoe. If they disagree with that request, then let them prove it otherwise. There is nothing to fear if what you have is the truth - right?
That an investigation be launched over the disappearance of the carved Waitore head.
That retired archaeologists, (and current ones) can provide anonymous accounts of what they know, have been asked to hide, or paid to cover up without fear of retribution.
A full investigation of the Okehu tribrach along with international experts who have examined the only other three in existence in the world (all in Ireland).
And just because many will ask for it…that the Kaimanawa wall is dug out to reveal once and for all if it is geological or not. My belief on it is irrelevant, just the actual evidence once and for all.
That the Matira site is investigated fully, the known past, the inscribed rocks in a garden at Turangawaewae Marae that came from that site and are not Tainui, let alone Maori, in design and now lay marked and rapidly deteriorating rather than a treasured ‘taonga’ of the whole nation that they should be.
A full record begun of all past all known inscribed rocks particularly in the Taranaki region and as far north as Port Waikato, including the ones found in the Waikaretu river valley.
That all old archaeological records be opened up to intense scrutiny. Particularly those of supposed cover-ups and unusual finds and that all embargoed items and sites be opened up to full scrutiny with the real reasons they were covered up revealed to in a public manner. I know this will embarrass the few involved who are still alive, but tough, you cannot hide things that should not be hidden.
...and many more.