Sidestep: A Grim History
Whilst it is well known that some preserved heads were stolen, and many articles appear about the "grim history of NZ’s stolen heads", it needs to be known that most of heads that headed overseas were not stolen, but were traded by Maori for personal gain – mostly muskets. How do you think Ngapuhi gained the muskets they needed to wipe out thousands of their enemies? And what was the result of the slaughter...more heads! And what happens when there are not enough preserved heads left of Maori chiefs to trade...?
So much for the mana of the moko! Some of the preserved heads around the world that have been returned were of slaves, given the moko before they were killed. That does not mean they deserved less of a welcome home (for they needed to be brought home), but the mana of certain Maori was irretrievably lost. You can tell by the current behavior compared to other tribes such as NgaiTahu who continue to show their superiority as a tribe, in all respects, adapting to modern life and reality, all while holding on to the essence of their ancient customs.

New Zealand's history should not, but is, being altered slowly with an untruth to preserve some sort of sacred appearance of the nobility of the Maori. Maori were warriors. Early Europeans described them as the 'noble savage' for in their eyes they carried something within that defied what they saw externally based on their expectation of human existence. Indeed, Maori were cunning, they had no qualms about killing, keeping slaves, infanticide, or even eating their enemies. Chiefs heads were preserved and gave a certain mana and protection to a village.
But the heads of enemies were often displayed as well. It was a form of utu and often these heads were traded back for concessions at a time of ‘skirmish’. I say skirmish, because prior to Maori gaining muskets, wars were still small-time affairs with the death of 10-50 rather than 200-1000 at a time under Ngapuhi’s murderous raids up and down the length of Aotearoa - even as far as Mataura in Southland (Murihiku).

What disturbs many, was the ancient and total absolute of mana........and then the apparent total disregard of it. And all for trade and financing of war. And then when times have changed, a complete reversal and the total demand of 'mana' in the return of such heads. At least the end result brought some mana back into the fold - now the greed has gone that is associated with trade for nefarious purposes.
But let us ask the question - if you sell something, do you then have the right to demand it's return? After 150 years the answer in relation to body parts is yes. But some tribes welcomed back slaves and enemies - a nice touch for the modern era. Yet no one even knows the name of the individuals the heads belonged to that were returned, or even who was a chief and who was a slave (other than the moko differences and rushed applications of some). No ones knows anymore.
The whole episode of Mokomokai past and present is a disturbing one for those not used to preserving body parts as worship or revenge. But the trade was a valid part of history, both the theft of the minority by European and the trade of the majority by a few tribes.
This part of history should not be brushed under the whariki. Not all bad history needs be hidden or brushed aside as false - just to prevent a little embarrassment.
History is history - so embrace it. You can't change history, but you can attempt to hide it.
So what happens when a hidden part of history most do not know even exists and those that do would not want in the open for all to see? What accusations, claims and counter claims will surface? We will find out soon enough!