104: Understanding the fakes
Around the world are lots of sites about people finding what they call 'giants'. I'm sure some of them were genuine but is a 7' person really a giant? If you are only 5' then maybe they would seem so. On Catalina Island a gentleman called Ralph Glidden said he found many giant skeletons of 7' and has photographs to prove it. Yet these photographs show him holding and displaying ordinary skulls, nothing that would indicate anything other than a race of taller people - like still exist even now in Afghanistan, or the Masai in Africa.
Yet people want to believe the other pictures of individual items (with no genuine reference to size) are real and would abuse you if you attempted to prove the pictures are not genuine. Abuse is something one gives when they do not like what they hear because it challenges their beliefs to the point they cannot defend them. If your belief in something is severely shaken and you react with abuse...that comes from being challenged and the fear of having to admit you were wrong.
Here are some of the photos of Ralph and his 'giants'. (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
If you look closely you will see that the skulls appear to be of normal size or that which a 6' human would normally have. However, the last two reveal a some things few people have considered while lauding these are genuine. Firstly, the way the skeleton is revealed, its state within that, and the visual perception field (anyone see how they did Gandalf on the cart with Frodo and make him look smaller?) The second one is the suggested evidence of six fingers (with the thumb being hidden). He produced nothing else with six fingers as proof, just one photo. Bones can't stay linked together like that when the surrounding dirt is removed, and never ever lying the way they do. The proof is in examining real excavations from anthropologists and seeing skeletons first hand. Back when these photos were produced few would have known that. The third reason is that each photo that suggests a much bigger skull, is never placed alongside anything for comparison and none of the 'giant' skulls he produced in the other photo ever showed anything of abnormal size.
Now, if you think we are out to debunk all evidence of 'giants', you have not followed us for very long. Our whole existence is to produce actual evidence of some 8'+ skeletons we believe are buried in a very difficult to access cave. That should be done before the end of 2019. However, along the way we challenge all and everything, even our own theories. And the one thing we will do is produce relativity to our photos and we have the advantage of also using video, which cannot be easily manipulated.
For sure, those Ralph found were taller than those of his generation, but the physical evidence does not suggest anything even close to 7'. And today we have real living people that are 7' so that is not unusual. We also have living humans that have six fingers or toes, and even some living right now with double rows of teeth. So these things might be extremely rare and are genetic mutations, but they are neither mystical or mythical.
Nevertheless, if we find what we expect to find, there will be no doubt about it when we release what we do in the way we plan to release it. Just don't expect it all at once...we need to sell the sizzle first. We actually do need an internet frenzy to gain total world-wide attention first. But when it's all done, and more is released in away that cannot be debunked - there will be no doubt. And by the way, we do not expect 6 fingers, or double teeth, elongated skulls or anything of the sort (but stranger things have happened). The goal is to produce evidence of a previous race, much taller than expected, yet living here long before the Polynesian arrived. Our goal is not to appease those that believe in aliens and mythical human beings. Our goal is reveal the true Tangata Whenua and take that title from who wrongly claim it and give it back to those to whom it belongs. (Note: This is no way takes away the fact the descendants of the collective tribes now called Tangata Maori, whilst not the first here, are still the only surviving indigenous race of this country and most of those tribes were the only ones to sign a treaty with the Crown).
Below is a photo of a real skeleton found the way it should be are after meticulous and careful removal of all debris (nothing as crude as a pick or shovel in sight), with the finger bones lying they way they would be expected to lie once uncovered.

So we are still as curious as all of you are!