143: Dig Update
The last dig was to look at the wall of natural fill that we uncovered. This fill is different to what we had been digging through and above that layer lay huge chunks of consolidated clay, a huge chunk of which fell and nearly took one of us out when we tried to dig vertically.

We have now gone back to where the fill changes from hand fill to natural fill and checked with prodding rods where the walls are. We thought the tube should run left because that's the way we thought it should run, instead the tube opens up right, (where a mineralized concretion hangs behind the figure below) as well as up, and we intend to dig in this other direction until we find where this goes. Yes, that is a tree root you see there, we are finding more of them for some reason which must mean there are cracks in the hills above.

It's still frustrating not having an obvious direction to move forward as we did when the tube was a uniform diameter but we have to go with the flow of the rock and therefore where it is safer for us to dig and move. And we may have found another entrance to this place, but more that later. The geology of the area makes it's all very confusing. Better to abandon it and go to other sites.
So we have nothing to show for it yet? Yes we do...the top bone is human...