Sidestep: A copy of something that never existed?

(This is article #316 since we started in Jan 2016)
Many may know of this stone found in Northland. It was said, by some, to be an engraved rock carving reported to be an ancient Greek celestial calendar.
Now, with the danger of offending some who believe it to be that, we want to point out a simple fact most miss or choose to miss - it is NOT engraved. The little things one sees in photos that a group once painted white over to highlight them, and that are arranged in an extremely disorganised circle numbering in the hundreds... are actually raised nodules; not carved out like you would expect of a petroglyph of any sort anywhere worldwide. The rock is in fact a concretion that has split open when it rolled down from the hill above. It is, in effect, an object with concretions inside concretions. To be something carved by man, one would have had to carve the surface around hundreds of tiny raised nodules and then smooth the entire stone flat around them all. The nodules themselves make no sense, let alone the configuration. An obvious sign is also nodules around the edges raging from flat surfaces to vertical ones!
Now if you think about the suggestion of a group of ‘castaway’s’ carving with stone on stone, and doing that in a way no other race in the world has (carved around the points rather than carving them ‘into’)… then you begin to understand why people like myself are sceptical of ones who make such outlandish claims (and that comes from one accused of making outlandish claims himself!).
Physical objects are evidenced by their actual presence, but they also need context, logic, and location to be considered. And if making a particular claim - it should be a suggestion, not a statement of fact.
However, the real proof that it is not a Greek calendar is simply this... there is no Greek calendar in existence in the world that even remotely resembles this wholly imagined thing. Not even one. It is simply very strange to claim an item as an ‘example’ of something - that does not exist anywhere!
That's like us producing a bone and saying it is a perfect example of a dolphin femur. But there is no such thing as a dolphin femur you say... Exactly!