132: Exploring Waitaha
This first post on Waitaha is a very brief look, just to ask some questions. It's complied off various sources and in some cases those sources are disputed (as are many other things between Maori tribes regarding lines of history).
Waitaha themselves say they were here 2000 years ago. It is said 3 different peoples came together from Easter island. The Urukehu, The MaoriOri (Maeroero), and the Kitirea. Yet even then, the 'Waitaha' say there were already people living here before them. - these are the ones we seek and already have evidence of.
They were the Turehu, the Maruiwi and the Waiairiki (small/amused) according to some.
That would mean, that should these stories we true, (and they are un-provable but very likely, as Maori in the early European days, said there were people here when they arrived – contrary to modern teaching [for obvious reasons]), that not only were a different people here before the central Pacific Polynesians arrived, but that those who came here at least 800 years before the Polynesians arrived, found others ALREADY here!
These comments above are brief and unsupported by specific documentation because we do not went to get into what is true, untrue, provable or suppressed... We are simply wanting to present this question...
Will our skeletons prove to be from the Far Eastern Pacific, Polynesian Pacific, Melanesian Pacific or elsewhere further afield such as Asia? And if they aren’t Polynesian, then maybe the claims from the likes of Brailsford (whom I’ve never agreed with or supported) need to be re-examined if the physical DNA evidence points that way? After all, this is all academic without hard physical evidence. If there were no possible chance of gaining hard physical untouched evidence (8' skeletons), we would not be bothering with our dig at all.
The revealing of physical evidence is the only reason we began and the only continue we with this.

After all, IF the evidence reveals something unexpected that would shock 99% of the population of NZ, then it is what it is - right? And if it is what it is, then NO amount of debate, argument, denial, written and/or taught history, genealogies, legends, belief or wish can change that – right?