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Sidestep: Grave robbers...


We have finally been openly labelled as grave robbers by someone on the internet. This is both good and bad.

Bad - because it reveals the ignorance of those making such claims as they obviously fire off without reading or understanding context based on their assumed superior racial or cultural standing; and lets be honest, we all do that at times don't we?

Good - because it raises questions and debate. This draws people into what is really going on. When we finally release what's inside the cave, the internet is going to go crazy (as it does with all sorts of things). The coverage is going to be worldwide and especially when we reveal who we are openly. Then the media circus will begin and all the journalist clowns will be sucked into statements like 'grave robber'. You know what? We want that to happen. There will be more supporters than detractors but we actually want individuals and organisations to make suggestive statements, false claims, and malicious accusations against us. That will open our cause even more and many will be astounded at what we found, how we found it, how we dealt with what we found. It will embarass some who made accusations but we won't go into that in any detail ar this point as we don't want to give anything away.

But today we want to examine one phrase - 'grave robber'. The individual who made that statement comes from Wellington and is a very outspoken part-Maori on the internet; all under a psudenum, as well as a mask - (not sure why he's hiding behind either). We've found out quite a lot about him. He has opinions on all manner of things and that's good. Even if someone doesn't agree with anothers opinions, I'd rather hear from those that have opinions that the masses that sleep and have none. But his agressiveness online and his foul language toward individuals who disgagree with his opinion betrays him. That's why he hides behind the name mb1968nz. Now I have opinions on the net too; but in my real name. This guy hides, he's just a coward. Yes, it is true that in regards to this dig, we hide behind tangatawhenua16 because it is simply too dangerous to use our real names once we find the evidence until it's recognised offcially (we have already been threatened with physical harm, but we know who by and it's all painstakingly recorded). And with guys like this who hide behind false names in normal life, with normal debate, they become dangerous because they think they are anonymous. He might be to you, he was to us too until now. We watch everyone. If we used our name prior to the release, it would give much away and the project might be stopped. After we name ourselves and present the evidence, we will also make available all the names and posts of aggressive opponents. It's a safety thing. Some others know this already and have cooled off.

Back to our kaiwhakapae. We do understand the intent of the phrase he used and we suppose that is fair enough - if he were right. He refers to what we believe is a human bone we found in the fill. Now this fill only blocks the tube leading to the cave. The cave itself is an unfilled cavern. The human bone is very old, may have been previously burned in a fire, and is very long. It does not belong to those inside the cave, for it came in with the fill from the outside; elsewhere in the countryside. To be a grave robber, first there has to be a grave. We aren't in a grave. We are in a filled phreatic tube therefore this bone was not found in a grave. It was found in pieces where it was chucked in with the fill after a digger dislogged it from other remains under the earth as it dug down a bank to fill a truck. It wasn't taken to a burial area as 'it isn't one of us' - that is because the individual would be between 7'6" and 7'11". The bone is treated now with more respect than it was before it was lifted from where it came from by a mechanical digger. Secondly, to be a robber you first have to take something that isn't yours by force or threat of force. We simply found it while not looking for it, the same way we found the moa bones. There was never any expectation that anything would be in the fill that came from outside as our goal is what lay further in, unbroken and undisturbed.

Our kaiwhakapae might be intelligent on a manner of things, but he's opinionated on just about everything on the net while hiding behind his pseudonym, but he needs a dictionary to get past his bias and predjudice. This bone, which has been reassembled, equates to an indiviual who was here prior to the first Polynesian arrivals and was about 7'11 tall (if a male). And while that bone is of no consequence to us (as it doesn't prove the existence of 8' skeletons further in but does hint of them), it is still treated with whakaute until we can find where it came from and return it .

So what's the project or purpose of tangatawhenua16? (in case you don't already know)

To gain access to a cave used as a burial chamber that holds many 8'+ skeletons of a race here long before Polynesians arrived. This cave was found many years before, and the contents shocked those who saw it. Iwi (and the archaeologists who were paid to keep quiet about it), had the entrance sealed in a way that you'd have to be slightly mad to try and unseal it. Well, here we are - slightly mad and soon to be in a position to show the following...

  • That the contents of this cave, (regardless of who supports or is against the re-opening), are of both national and international importance from a historical perspective of who was here first; as they are not Polynesian in origin.

  • That at 8'+, and therefore 'giants' in some peoples eyes, and being the first to be shown publically and globally without impedence, it will cause questions in other countries about ancient tall races (giants).

  • That this may also cause many to ask for the inner recesses of the Smithsonian to be explored where it is obvious an 'accidental' find of tall bones will be suddenly revealed (that they 'forgot' existed).

  • That artifacts that exist that do not fit the origins suggested will have to be considered to be of a people here long before with theri own culture, practices, designs.

  • That unuual artifacts others have in their possesion that we have been told about will come to light. Prepare to be amazed.

  • That the old stories Maori told between 1820-1850 were in fact true, and many still talk about - that there was a number of separate races in small numbers already here when the first Polynesian explorers arrived and were still here between Kawhia and Putataka when Tainui sailed past, and were eliminated within the first 80 years or so.

Now, some still say all this is a fabrication, a load of bollocks, a scam. Mmmm, Well, if it is, there is no need for any accusation then is there? Yet, we have shown photographic evidence of our progress over three years. But for those that take us seriously, as you should, keep watching and spread the link to this website. More is coming.

The assumptions made by many about what we will do will be regarding the manner of the investigation, analysis and preservation of the skeletons, are well wide of the mark. Be very careful of assumptions, they may bite you back. Everything we do will be fully documented and available for analysis. We will be doing something in a way no one has ever done in this country and in a way that will shame others who think they are better qualified. There is more involved than even most of my team know.

So whenever the question comes up about 'grave robbery' by someone ignorant of the facts or circumstances, the question needs answered by asking the following...

"Why was such an incredible find of a race of giants (found by accident some fifty years ago), hidden from public knowledge and for what purpose it was hidden? Why was no archaelogical report ever been written? Why were all photos destroyed? Why was the entrance closed up in such a diabolical way rather than just dynamited to destroy it?" Maybe mentioning the date 2065 may answer that for some. But the question 'why' needs asking. Why hide the truth? Why hide previously unknown and completely amazing history. Why pay people to be silent? If these giant skeletons are revealed....what changes? Who is affected by these changes? We know - see if you can figure it out.

Hiding the truth of these ancient beings would be like finding the tomb of Nefertiti and then keeping the knowledge of it hidden. It would be like finding the skeleton of a 9' headless man in Israel and keeping it hidden. Fanciful? Wait until you see whats in this cave!

So don't ever accuse us of anything (rightly or wrongly) without first redirecting an accusation toward those who actively and intentionally hid the truth and quickly covered the entrance to this cave over. Those that did that are conspirators involved in a form of national, cultural and historical treason.

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