146: Dig Update
We are still somewhat surprised that, after revealing we had discovered what appeared to be fossilized human bone (which on time-line alone means this country was populated long ago even if it seemed empty when Polynesians arrived), there was almost no reaction at all on Facebook. Old Maori traditions from many tribes tell stories of an ancient people already here when they arrived - Raglan being no exception. I've just had yet another person contact us to say that when his tupuna arrived here from the last stop off at Rarotonga, there were people already here who were not whanaunga into which there was intermarriage. Another from Tainui told me he was told of ancient ones here first, and another told me the elders of Te Āti Awa told stories handed down of different races here before her ancestors arrived. See, even Maori know they were not first!
Even uncommon (or non-Polynesian design) artifacts suggest they were not the first; but 'accepted' history does not. Some have even suggested (one whom I deleted because he's just too insanely ridiculous) that these unusual items are modern designs with modern tools. Yeah right! ...and then placed them 6-8 underground in remote places? (full sarcasm intended bro). We have no time for idiots, but even he made no comment about the fossilized (permineralized bone) because everyone knows how long that process takes. Fossilized bones cannot be easily tested, and any test is expensive, but in the future when we have proved what we intend to, we will uncover them once again and have them publicly tested by the latest means possible.
Below we have the bone (we found laid out in pieces) now reconstructed. A plastic femur of an adult of average height, and a tape (because a few would likely say the plastic one was of a child otherwise). This has been verified by a few in the know as human, although if you know anything about bone shape and composition it is not too hard to tell especially at the cross sections (remember this was in fragments once and we have individual photos of all those fragments). The red lines on the plastic femur are where the above bone would have been in comparison (fine red line seen when you zoom in). This reveals there were tall ones here before Polynesians arrived in Tiritiri-o-te-moana (one of the original names of this land before Maori changed it https://tangatawhenua16.wixsite.com/the-first-ones-blog/single-post/2017/05/28/Sidestep-Ancient-names-for-NZ-.
What is more astounding is that this femur, when fully intact would have measured 68cm. On the average calculation, that equates to an individual pre-Polynesian inhabitant of between 7'10" (if male) - 8'4" (if female) tall. Even assuming the minimum calculation...about 7'7". The implications of this are huge in date, state and size.

Some have said it is a Moa bone. We have Moa bones as well and no - it is not a Moa bone. Only those who deny the possibility of what it could be would only ever say that. Yet there is a massive difference in structural bone mass between a bird bone and a human bone, so the comments are not unexpected except that no one can make such a claim from a single photograph. Anyone doing so would be like the pseudo people who make outrageous definitive claims from a single photo. The below Moa bones were found in the same location and at the same depth, just 40cm away from the bone above and therefore came from the same location outside as where all the fill for the cave has come from. Apart from the massive weight and composition difference, they are riddled with the typical honeycomb air-pockets one would expect in a bird bone. Humans have none of this and the first picture shows a bone that has almost turned to stone with almost a 100% density.

We also have what we are sure is a North Island Takehe tibiotarsus. It's 150+mm long. It matches the sizing of those known bones of the now extinct species collected so far and the NI species is taller than the SI species. Pukeko tibiotarsus are typically are 90-105mm.
However, all three types of bones above are but a distraction to what we are doing. A good distraction, but not anywhere near as fantastic as what we would love to be able to show you in the future. Our main task is to reveal the many 8'+ skeletons beyond the fill. We believe these ones do not have Polynesian pentagonal skulls nor do they have rocker jaws, and likely they have protruding brow bones. These ones that are in an environment (we hope) that allows the bones to be properly carbon dated and DNA tested. These skeletons are not Polynesian and likely much younger (at an estimated 1200-1500 years old) than the fossilized bone. We believe them to be of Melanesian/Asian origin, but that is just our opinion based on Melanesian type artifacts found here that are very old. The one below being the classic...

Yet, who knows what the reason the original find was so quickly and completely covered up? What were Maori so afraid of they ordered the archaeologists to arrange for the entrance to be be completely filled so none could ever see the contents of the cave? Because they were afraid? If so, of what? Was it the same reason that archaeologist (still unnamed) ordered the removal to a steel container of a 7'+ skeleton in Tauranga (which was openly stated to all assembled as being 'pre-Polynesian') because it did not fit the 'accepted' histories we all believe are true? - and this occurring only some twelve years ago !
We have encountered problems with the dig in recent months, the location isn't easy, there was a near accident that could have been fatal, there are unknown changes to the fill, the tube now opens up in all directions but still filled; and dangerously so, and the original dig direction is impeded and too dangerous to venture that way.
So we continue as before, wondering how long it will take before (or even if) we can come out with the most fantastic of worldwide anthropological or archaeological discoveries since 1922. Although we are at a critical phase with dangerous elements in the dig, as well as some direction confusion, at some point we must break through - we would hope! If you are new to these posts, or even one who has followed us since 2016, I don't think any of us can fully appreciate the impact a discovery like this could have on this country and the world - if we can do it without impedance or betrayal. And if we have to give up; then so be it.
Oh, and we found two glow worms on the walls. We believe them to be new additions that may have come in as gnats through the open entrance.