Bones Of Contention Campaign
If you want to see 8' tall skeletons of a pre-Polynesian race, (even if already have proof they existed) you'll have to wait, just like we will, until we finally break through into the cave proper. If you are new to this site then go to the link below to find out what we are up to. We aren't crackpots putting up fake photo's or making unsubstantiated claims, we are doing the mahi and have a reasonable amount of evidence already.
For those who have followed since 2016 you should already know our task and how important it is to this countries history and to the whole world as far as bringing to light public evidence by way of skeletons of a tall race here before Polynesians before anyone can shut it down. You should realize how current accepted history may change. If we find what we believe is in our cave, it will be thrust upon an unsuspecting worldwide via massive media release. Just for a moment forget the origin debate, just imagine producing evidence of 8'+ skeletons...
Yes, these are very definitely going to be bones of contention !
We have been doing this sporadically for 3 years now, digging when we can and producing updates on those digs as well as interesting posts on unusual artifacts and some commentary on other associated topics.
But things are now stepping up as we get deeper in...

Bones of Contention Campaign
We need various equipment to keep us safe and comfortable while we dig. Already two of us have had illness related to this project, one was brief and one has lasted nearly 3 years! Find out what a 'makutu' is. While we certainly can pay for some basic things we need ourselves, we felt it gives our followers and supporters a chance to feel part of the project without being there, AND THIS WILL BE REWARDED. We'd like your help to buy things we need as well as enabling us to pay for physical helpers their personal travel and associated costs when they are helping us - if we get enough money. Ideally we want to reward their loyalty to the project as well.
So what do you get out of this? If you can assist with a one-time contribution you can do so to the account noted below (ensure you put the payment reference in with your payment). If you do contribute, we would also need an email providing your name and $ amount so we can keep a record of it - or notify us via FB messaging.
There are no limits to how much or how little you can give and even $20 will be appreciated and you will be become indirectly involved in something very special.
However, we will provide real reward based on scale...

This last one is likely for a full public give-a-little campaign, but here is the bonus we are thinking of...

Ok, so they might be a bit high for humble kiwis, but do you really want to only know what the public know when we choose to tell them?
Hey, the last one is there even though it is unlikely anyone would contribute that much and they'd still have to pay their own way to Auckland so we can show them. We put it in there because we still need to raise money for DNA and CD testing which will cost many thousands of dollars. Note that all this testing needs to be done in secret before a public release of anything.
This campaign may lead to a full blown 'Give'a'little' campaign if someone wants to run one for us for 15% of the contributions.
Now many of you will scoff at this, but in time you may wish otherwise when you see what the public see and wonder what they aren't seeing or what developments are place with legal, governmental and internal dealings. It's entirely up to you. Those who have helped us previously without any promise of reward will be rewarded as well.
Here is the account you can pay into - 38-9008-0189363-01 - RL Davidson - deposit ref: TW16
Thanks for your support and feel free to contact us privately should you need to ask anything...

This is what it's like waiting for those promising to actually keep their word....
Cheers and many thanks