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210: An Arizona Skeleton



One of the most wonderful discoveries of prehistoric life that has ever been made in Arizona, was reported yesterday by Peter Marx, of Juniper, and corroborated by E. S. Clark, attorney, which reveals the existence of a race of people, that Is not generally accredited to the primitive era, in the huge proportions of a skeleton that is now in the possession of Mr. Marx. In detailing what was discovered by mere accident on his farm early" in the present week,

Mr. Marx gave the following interesting account of his discovery. "The bones of this monstrous human may have represented a race of men or a single individual. At any rate, the skeleton of the man in my possession, is sufficiently complete so that the dimensions, which are astounding, may be accurately ascertained and so far as the present generation is to be considered from what I can learn, there is no comparison to be formed. In the first place the skull is of such an abnormal size that if the average man of this day placed it over his head, he still could find room to move it backwards and forwards or, up and down with ease, without disturbing his natural position. From measurements taken of this skull, a number 10 hat would be required to fit it. The teeth, several of which are still imbedded in the jawbone, substantiate the immense size of the head. They are fully one third larger than those of the men of today and present more the appearance of tusks than of molars of the human family. Other dimensions of the head reveal similar evidences in harmony with the above. As to the bones, there is no disputing the fact that the owner was symmetrically formed, of immense size and herculean strength. The thigh and lower limbs indicate at least twice the size of the average man of today.

"I made the discovery by mere accident. My attention some weeks ago was directed to that part of the farm by flood waters passing through, cutting a ditch. A few bones were found on the surface, but my impression at the time was centered to the belief that they were those of some animal that had been killed. I dug into the bank that was exposed by the rushing waters, and when a distance of about three feet in depth had been reached, the skull was found, some bones that were strewn around for a few feet, with those found in the ground, were put together with the above result. The skeleton is only partially complete, but there is enough in evidence to show that it was that of a giant. "After making this discovery, my observations were continued, when metallic arrowheads and spears, stone-hooks to hold garments together, 3 plumb bob of stone, two inches la diameter and tapering to a point, stone axes and butcher knives, pottery of modern and primitive-manufacture- , and other articles were dug up. Near by was evidently an old fort The wails were built of immense boulders, indicating that persons of great strength performed the work. "I have been the owner of that tract of land for over forty-one-years and have resided there continuously. That section of the farm has never been cultivated to my knowledge or anyone else in that country. No other human frame has been found, although I intend to continue digging. The relic will be kept in my possession, as I consider it a great curiosity. Mr. Clark has seen the skeleton, visiting the valley after I made the discovery."


Once again, the description doesn't seem embellished by anything silly or unbelievable for he describes actual artifacts found with it (no fake finds ever report this because they focus on the overly fantastic), and the fact that not all the bones were recovered. Also it was near an old stone structure with very large stones. Juniper is now a ghost town and is near Prescott Arizona - an area I am reasonably familiar with.

The exact location is Hualupai Canyon, more specifically what is now the Havasupai Indian Reservation. There are petroglyphs showing tall figures nearby. Supai is the local village and the tribal chairman, acknowledges that his people are reluctant to interpret canyon rock art for archaeologists. "We don't know what you want to do with that knowledge," he says - an interesting comment don't you think?


A legend of these Hualupai people concerns the great flood of the earth. Now these people had this legend long before a white man came with a bible to tell them the same story, so this legend goes back thousands of years. Who told it to them? And keep in mind even the Bible states there were giants in those days... and afterward... Here is the legend of the Hualapai, Navajo and Mojave people...

"It rained for 45 days, and the whole earth was flooded. All the people were destroyed, except for one old man atop Spirit Mountain. Many days passed and a dove brought him instructions from the Creator to drive a ram's horn into the earth. The old man obeyed and the waters were drained. He sent the dove forth, and when it returned with fresh grass in its beak, he rejoiced for the land had become dry.

When the old man died, the Creator made "a younger brother and an older brother." In obedience to a dream, the two scraped, cleaned, and laid out canes. Before the next dawn the canes turned into a great population, and older-brother's rule over them was good. When he died, younger-brother commanded Cousin Coyote to fetch fire for the funeral pyre from faraway Fire-starter. But Coyote was disobedient and looked back, only to see that the fire had started without him. ashing back to the pyre, he reached into the blaze, snatched older-brother's heart, and fled with it in his clenched teeth. (To this day, coyotes bear the mark of rebellion in their upturned, disfigured mouths.)

The land became irrevocably "not good" by this act, and younger-brother led the people "across the water" to a new land in the east. Overcrowding soon ensued, and younger-brother chief dispersed the people into three major people groups.


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