Political - Changing History
"Despite the prominence given to Māori history, there is a 600-year gap between the arrival of Māori and the arrival of Europeans. It is almost as if Māori arrive in New Zealand and become instantly the victims of colonialism," the report said........
Well, it's actually worse than that. The history they want to teach the young also avoids that musket wars where 20-40,000 Maori of various tribes were killed in a genocide by one tribe armed with muskets. Those presenting this curriculum want to rewrite history by completely avoiding the ugly side of Maori history. The good, the bad and the ugly needs to be taught as well. It is almost as if they want to portray Maori as peaceful, innocent, harmless beings living in a land like fun-loving hobbits in Hobbiton where everyone else were the aggressors. That is very far from the truth.
The romantic presentation of the history here is actually interspersed with much blood and death. Tribal histories are 90% who killed who, and who beat who, and whose land they conquered. The multitude of defensive pa are testament to that, although some nutcase is going to say they were to fight the European because, well, some people are just nutcases. These Pa existed long before Europeans got here.
You know why we need to present these skeletons sooner than later....? Because of just that....! We'll have a voice where we can point out the historical fact one race seems to wants so desperately to avoid talking about. The curriculum is utter bald-faced avoidance of historical truth presented by liberals, and it needs to be shown as the bullshit it is, not the colonialist slamming manipulation it's being presented as...
History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from it. And if it offends you, even better. Because then you are less likely to repeat it. It's not yours to erase.
Do you agree? Should we fight this one publically? Then share , share, share.
It seems that we will soon change accepted history too, but with facts and evidence that will blow away those trying to hide the history into some sort of oblivion, but it will be a battle - a very big, very public one.
But even without that, in the end, these liberal racist nutcases in the Ministry of Education will lose because people like you and me will stand up to them and not stop pointing out their manipulation of facts and manipulation of history. The M of E is manipulating children's minds and brainwashing them in other ways too. Hitler changed facts by propaganda and brainwashing of a whole nation that was then deceived because they forgot what was real.
I won't let NZ be so easily deceived by those not prepared to let all the history, of all the races that have ever lived here, be revealed. How good or how bad they were or we are is completely irrelevant to the message. History is history - if you eliminate the bad things, they will still be repeated, in spiritual essence at the least.

The above is ironic considering who quoted it