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Sidestep - The Adzebill


There are, or were once, some very iconic birds in NZ. The Kiwi, the Moa, the Haast Eagle and this one. This unusual bird is not very well known in NZ compared to the Moa and the Kiwi but they are certainly worth doing a small post on them.

The Adzebills were about 80 cm in length with a weight of 18 kg, making them about the size of small moa (with which they were initially confused on their discovery) with enormous downward-curving and pointed bill, and strong legs. They were flightless and had extremely reduced wings, smaller than those of the dodo compared to the birds' overall size, and with a uniquely reduced carpometacarpus. The two species varied mostly in size with the North Island adzebill being the smaller species; their coloration in life is not known however.

Their fossils have been found in the drier areas of New Zealand, and only in the lowlands. They are thought to have fed on large invertebrates, lizards, tuataras and even small birds.

The Adzebill were never as widespread as the moa, but subjected to the same hunting pressure as these and other large birds by the settling Polynesians (and predation of eggs/hatchlings by accompanying Polynesian rats and dogs). They became extinct before the arrival of European explorers.

Adzebill's were also another victim of colonisation, but like the moa and Haast eagle... by Maori colonisation and expansion. Yes, you heard us... the extinction happened under Maori occupation only. We will state this again for those who have never heard it (and we state it because Maori complain 'correctly' about European influence on wildlife)....

....of the 56 bird species in NZ that have become extinct since mankind arrived, just 16 became that way after Europeans arrived. That means 40 bird species (71.4%) were made extinct by Maori hands alone.... before the evil Pakeha colonialists ever arrived here. Think on that for a while and then realize you will NEVER find that fact in the new NZ school curriculum of 2023!

The point here is that it's not about race based on skin colour. The race that killed these birds and burned down forests was the human race. Racists on both sides need wake up to the facts.



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