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Sidestep: The Lake Mead 'long' Femur


I-TEAM: Did government agencies destroy human bone found at Lake Mead?

What happened to a bone found at Lake Mead remains unclear and the National Park Service is not providing answers. The 8 News Now I-Team repeatedly sent emails to the agency asking for clarification, and those emails have gone unanswered.

In July of 2021, the Barker family was recreating at an area known as South Cove, where the Colorado River begins to form the lake. Bruce Barker’s granddaughter Kimmie made a discovery. “I was like, ‘Oh look at that!” And then I went off to my grandpa and I go ‘Grandpa, look what I found!” Kimmie Barker told the 8 News Now I-Team. Barker said the bone appeared to be a human femur and the family later reached out to the National Park Service.

"There's no way this is incompetence. You judge for yourself and try to tell me this isn't being lied about as a cover up. Then ask yourself why would they do this? So lucky they took pictures of what they seem to have no idea of what they found."

A very large human femur was found 1 year ago (2021) at Lake Mead. The grand-daughter and grand-father turn the bone in. After a year Grampa wants to know what happened with the bone. The park tells him it was animal bone and that afterward it was destroyed.

"I'm calling BS and the photos they took clearly show why. Of course it's a femur of huge proportions. That's the only reason why they would lie and say it was an animal bone. The absolute only reason. The Smithsonian has been said to disappear the remains of Giants found across America since European's started to settle here. There are literally hundreds of newspaper articles from the 1800's that tell the story. And till now skeptics have been able to skoff and call the articles all hoaxes. Denial catered to them by those with the power to write history as they want us to see it. Not anymore they just gave themselves away IMO. They are caught lying red handed. They do when they find human footprints with dinosaur prints and anything that doesn't fit there paradigm. So, as far as I'm concerned, this family was righteous but for a lack of knowledge. They didn't understand what they had. However at the end of the day this proves all lot of human history is a secret for only the privileged. Grandpa should go back to the spot and look for the rest this person."


But how big is it really? An adults four finger would be about 9cm. This girl is about aged 10 so the width of her four fingers therefore would only be about 7.5cm so that would naturally make the bone look bigger. But let’s be generous and say her four fingers are 8cm. That would make the bone about 52cm long which equates to a skeleton of just 6'8". That's not a giant. Below is a photo of a plastic femur model from an adult male with a 6 year old holding it in a similar way beside the above photo for comparison. Neither bone is above normal stature is it?


I-TEAM: "Did government agencies destroy human bone found at Lake Mead? What happened to a bone found at Lake Mead remains unclear and the National Park Service is not providing answers. The 8 News Now I-Team repeatedly sent emails to the agency asking for clarification, and those emails have gone unanswered."

What else is hidden underwater at Lake Mead? Well, many bodies and bones apparently. One from drowning, the others are suspected murder cases. But back to the 'official' story...

Lake Mead National Recreation Area law enforcement responded to a call from a visitor in July 2021 regarding the discovery of a bone on the Arizona side of the park. When officials met with the visitor to collect a witness statement, rangers realized the scene had been disturbed as the individual had removed the bone from the immediate area. After an initial assessment of the area, no additional skeletal remains were found. The bone was entered into park evidence and the Medical Examiner’s Office was contacted. Due to the approximate size and structure of the bone joint, medical officials determined the bone was not human. Lake Mead NRA urges all visitors who may discover any remains to not touch or disturb the area, but to call Park Dispatch (702-293-8998) to provide a description of the object and their approximate location so rangers can reach the scene promptly to set a perimeter and begin an investigation. A manager at the Mohave County Medical Examiner’s office said that the office sent a photo to a forensic anthropologist who said it was an animal bone and that the bone was destroyed. The manager said there is no documentation and refused to provide the name of the forensic anthropologist. The head of the office also said there is no record of the bone.

Repeated attempts by the I-Team for clarification went unanswered. Two board-certified forensic anthropologists reviewed photos of the bone. Dr. Alison Galloway and Dr. Marin Pilloud both said that the bone is a human femur. Dr. Galloway also said in their line of work, documentation is vital. “If I get a case in and it’s not human, it still goes in my log book. I still retain the emails or I retain the text messages however I got that so that’s a problem,” she said.


Regardless of whether this bone is longer than normal or not, (we are currently working out a process that we can confirm that for 8NewsNow) there is a strange aspect to this story. That is - that the officials deny it is a human bone and that it has disappeared. Now, with all the murmuring about things going missing at museums when handed in etc, this recent story proves that anything that is not normal quickly disappears - why we will hand nothing in until everything is conclusively proved and the results will be released everywhere at once... everywhere!

Even if we generously measure it at 55cm, based on the girl being aged 10 and the span of her four fingers being around 8cm. That would make the femur belong to an individual of between 6' 7" to 6'9" which is still tall, but not a giant.

In the post above we provided the youtube link for the TV broadcast above so you can see for yourself. But why was it that this bone was disputed as being human, and when that was questioned why did it disappear or why was it destroyed? Is it that it can only be that it is above 'publicly accepted' size for a human. Science doesn't want its 'truth' to be challenged. My God, even our bone (which isn't as obviously human to the average person due to missing femoral ends) was said to be a moa.... by a guy looking at a single photo where they can't feel the weight, (bird bones are light - we should know, we have many moa bones already) nor see the bone structure, width, density and form. No way will anything better ever be presented publicly until all is ready - be assured of that.



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