Sidestep: The Media and MoriOri

This was on RadioNZ. It is well known that I despise most of the media and have already openly called out Paul Charman from the New Zealand Herald for journalistic fabrication in this article - Let's have a look at some of the transcript of the above video to see what what they say about MoriOri. Now keep in mind all that is said by the two people above who suggest MoriOri came to NZ and then 'voluntarily' moved to an inferior set of islands. Keep in mind that these presenters say that it is a 'known fact' that MoriOri were 'not' driven out - yet can't explain why how they know that and why two Maori tribes who heard of them were very keen to go over and take their lands.
WILLIAM: Yeah, Like that Moriori were the first people to live in Aotearoa, and were driven out by Māori invaders.
MĀNI: That’s not what happened. Some historians think Moriori karāpuna or ancestors, arrived in Aotearoa alongside the ancestors of Māori. But instead of settling permanently in mainland New Zealand, they set sail again and made their home in Rēkohu. (I ask why would they bother doing that?)
WILLIAM: But many Moriori believe the first arrivals came directly from Eastern Polynesia to Rēkohu and never lived in Aotearoa permanently. Some traditions suggest later arrivals may have migrated from Aotearoa, others point to voyaging back and forth between the islands. So there's still a bit of debate over exactly how people first arrived at Rēkohu. But what happened after they got there?
WHAT????? That's it. You debunk a theory yet have no credible evidence with which to debunk it, using words like 'might', 'maybe', and 'think' etc, and then say there is debate about how they got there? Yes, that the modern media for you. They are all full is misleading bullshit, these two included. Learn from that. Well, let's see what else they say.
MĀNI: Well, Moriori tradition records that Rēkohu was settled by multiple imi (tribes). They arrived in separate migrations several generations apart. Moriori Hokopapa (genealogy) records the first arrivals as being led by two brothers, Rongomaiwhenua and Rongomaitere. They erected the first Pou Henu or ‘post of the land’ at Te Awapatiki where the lagoon opens to the sea. This remains a sacred place to Moriori to this day. It is thought one of the earliest settlements was on neighbouring Rangihaute, or Pitt Island, before people spread to Rēkohu.
WILLIAM: Generations later, a navigator called Kāhu came from Hhiawaiki. When he got back he gave directions to his relatives. (pure suggestion)
MĀNI: Even more generations after that, war broke out between the tribes in Hhiawaiki. The Wheteina clan wanted to escape the conflict, so they followed Kāhu’s directions and sailed to Rēkohu aboard two waka, Rangihoua and Rangimata. Hang on where were they before that? The above says they were already there.
"There is still debate", "It is thought", "there's still a bit of debate over exactly how." Yet we all know they went to Rehoku to escape conflict. They say it was Hawaiki. Well we know thats why Maori got here, and why they don't record their pacific genealogy. Moriori say it was to escape conflict in what we now call Aotearoa. After all, even Maori thought MoriOri inferior. Why was this? NO one talks about this impression Maori had of the MoriOri. Is it because they weren't part of the 'migrations'. So here we have two on radio debunking old theories while being totally unable to prove theirs.
"That's not what happened." Mani states. Ok....., what did? (crickets chirping...) "Oh, we aren't sure exactly - it's just not what you think..!"
And that people of NZ, it what sums up Radio NZ's bullshit on most things. 90% truth, 10% bollocks and that 10% can change a whole history or public perception. You must all realize this important fact. RadioNZ is a government-owned and controlled radio station and therefore can be dangerous. Keep in mind also that with the Ukraine war, RT was banned on many TV channels because it is a state owned TV channel.
Are you learning a little more about the media you trust yet?