Mar 7, 2016
Sidestep: Te Kamaka
At Piha, there is a large pohutukawa that grows out of the top of a large rock and has sent soots down into the soil beneath to sustain...
Mar 5, 2016
33: Why this blog is important
Today we were to begin the entry to Cave 1. It now has to be delayed and I feel awkward because of the emotional connection to what's...
Mar 3, 2016
SideStep - Hawaiki (The Mecca of the Pacific)
Hawaiki, [Avaiki, Havai’i] – The Mecca of the Pacific When Maori say they came from Hawaiki they mean, though long forgotten, that...
Mar 2, 2016
32: Origins & Evidence
A group of scientists, who studied a set of skulls from a 3,000-year-old cemetery in Vanuatu, believe that they may have unlocked a vital...
Mar 2, 2016
Sidestep: Political Maori
I had a brief discussion with someone recently on the FB connection when I posted something saying it was amazing to think that Maori...
Mar 1, 2016
31: The Orongotea carving
The Kaitiaia Carving/Awanui Lintel/ Tangonge/ Ōrongotea artefact A: Background This item is in the Auckland Museum. here is the...
Feb 28, 2016
Sidestep: The Okia artefact
This interesting carving was found by Ellis Sinclair in a cave 1938 on the Otago Peninsular. The area used to be called Okia Flat. A full...
Feb 27, 2016
30: tangata Whenua
Who are the tangata Whenua? Legally it is recognized as the collective Maori tribes and this was put into law in 1974 to help with claims...
Feb 26, 2016
Sidestep: Do Maori still exist?
This is a controversial question but treat it as an exercise in simply exploring roots and identity, regardless of race. However, first...
Feb 25, 2016
29: tangata Maori
In all this, we are attempting to find evidence of the true tangata whenua - those here before Maori. Therefore, this post is a numbered...