Mar 29
219: Melanesian Influence
As recent as 1967 there were still articles published about a Melanesian sub-culture present in New Zealand. This is obvious enough if...
Mar 8
Sidestep: 5 GENOCIDES
There have been many genocides over the ages, the worst in modern times being that against Jews by Nazi Germany. The holocaust involved...
Feb 16
218: Paiwan Hawaiiki is Taiwan- Maori men and...
Jan 27
Sidestep: The Roscrea Head
This artefact is a lifesize wooden head, allegedly found near Roscrea, County Tipperary, Ireland. It was on display in the Menil...
Jan 5
217: Hawkes Bay Tall Skeletons
Like all old stories from the 1800's, none of these can be proven. (In fact the only proof presented publicly anywhere is our femur...
Dec 22, 2023
Sidestep: Pacific NW comparisons
Firstly I'm not referring to Maori who came from Polynesia, I am referring to those here before Maori as evidenced by many artifacts. But...
Dec 8, 2023
216: Oldest known (Polynesian) Artefact in NZ
Tairua is home to the oldest known recorded and recognised artefact in NZ - (so far!). This fishing lure shank is made from the shell of...
Nov 24, 2023
Sidestep - Blood Quantum
It has been said by Rachael Hopkins, an Oklahoma native American now living in NZ, that Blood Quantum is a colonial tool of racial...
Nov 10, 2023
215: The meaning of land to Maori
European interests in land were the purchase of individual blocks which were fragmented by the interests held by successive generations...
Oct 20, 2023
Political - He Wakaputanga
Today, October 28 2023, is a sort of Independence Day, the 188th anniversary of the signing of He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu...