Aug 25, 2023
212: Oregon giant from elsewhere
(Lincoln City, Oregon) – It all started in the 1700's – or 1932 – depending how you think about it. It's a tale of murder, sex, local...

Aug 11, 2023
Sidestep: More on the Canadian Giants
Discoveries of the skeletons of a gigantic race often surfaced on various news articles and media, and we are therefore more puzzled to...

Jul 28, 2023
211: A little more on the long human femur
The most any of you have seen of this bone, is the picture below. Few have seen it themselves except the digging team, a few supporters...

Jul 14, 2023
Sidestep: Remember the ancient drains of Kaitaia?
https://tangatawhenua16.wixsite.com/the-first-ones-blog/single-post/2020/07/23/-ancient-drains-of-kaiatia Well, there are more down near...

Jun 30, 2023
210: An Arizona Skeleton
This is from the WEEKLY MINOR JOURNAL - WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1911 One of the most wonderful discoveries of prehistoric life that...

Jun 23, 2023
Sidestep: What's possible in human size?
There is a whole genre of posts where people claim that a giant skeleton has been found, as evidenced by a picture of a tiny person...

Jun 16, 2023
Exposé: Exposing Doutré
This has to be done... If you comb the tangatawhenua16 site you will find some spelling mistakes and maybe some things we've since found...

Jun 2, 2023
Sidestep: A peaceful people?
No race has been entirely peaceful. They fight among themselves, those that would invade them, or they go and invade others. Man is man...

May 26, 2023
209: Skeleton of Guadalopue
In 1812 a well documented woman’s skeleton was discovered buried in a massive sandstone block over a mile in length on the island of...

May 19, 2023
Sidestep: Giant Bollocks
No, we don't mean the British slang word for giant balls, although I'm sure they were... We mean the term bollocks as in 'nonsense' or...