Dec 22, 2023
Sidestep: Pacific NW comparisons
Firstly I'm not referring to Maori who came from Polynesia, I am referring to those here before Maori as evidenced by many artifacts. But...

Dec 8, 2023
216: Oldest known (Polynesian) Artefact in NZ
Tairua is home to the oldest known recorded and recognised artefact in NZ - (so far!). This fishing lure shank is made from the shell of...

Nov 24, 2023
Sidestep - Blood Quantum
It has been said by Rachael Hopkins, an Oklahoma native American now living in NZ, that Blood Quantum is a colonial tool of racial...

Nov 10, 2023
215: The meaning of land to Maori
European interests in land were the purchase of individual blocks which were fragmented by the interests held by successive generations...

Oct 20, 2023
Political - He Wakaputanga
Today, October 28 2023, is a sort of Independence Day, the 188th anniversary of the signing of He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu...

Oct 20, 2023
214: Eventual evidence of a once disregarded story
A team of researchers with members from Australia, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam found a 6,000-year-old skull and femur bones in a cave in a...

Oct 6, 2023
Sidestep: Ancient skeleton linked to Polynesia
The Pingpu Peoples are a branch of the Austronesian Linguistic Family spread from the Lanyang Plain, The Northeast Corner, The Northern...

Sep 29, 2023
214: Patagonian 'Giants' - Did they really exist?
If you've come across accounts of the giants of Patagonia you will have seen illustrations showing them exceedingly taller that the...

Sep 22, 2023
213: Pelorus Giant
At Okoha, Pelorus Sound, NZ, Hamilton Redwood discovered, in October 1931, the skeleton of a 'Maori' measured at 8'. How he found it has...

Sep 8, 2023
Sidestep: Grand Canyon Giants
Grand Canyon Giants? Sorry for the bait but there are none, but many refer to this story as if there were, which is just as...