Sep 28, 2018
Sidestep: DNA from hair?
If we decide not to take bones samples it will be because there is something else available, something that provides access to DNA with...

Sep 21, 2018
114: Further early contact evidence of Melanesians
Early explorers and writers who recorded the ethnology of the native people of New Zealand frequently described physical characteristics...

Sep 14, 2018
Sidestep: Polynesians in California?
There appears to be a growing body of evidence to suggest that there were exchanges between Polynesian seafarers and native peoples in...

Sep 7, 2018
113: Dig Update
You may recall from the last post about the dig where we thought we saw the end of the drop off ahead by torchlight. Excitement had grown...

Aug 31, 2018
Sidestep: Did Polynesia & Peru have Oceanic contact?
With the discovery likely to reveal some interesting information previously hidden, found and then rapidly covered up and all trace of...

Aug 24, 2018
112: Dig Update
We continue to do what needs to be done and this time, with some extra help, we were able to push very deep into the tube. It now winds...

Aug 17, 2018
Historical: Parihaka
The worst action ever taken against Maori is undoubtedly the action taken against the settlement of Parihaka in Taranaki. More so because...

Aug 10, 2018
111: Were the early MoriOri of Melanesian origin?
We have suggested before that MoriOri, the pure MoriOri of which none are left, were strong in Melanesian roots. Some reports say this is...

Aug 3, 2018
Historical: The Musket Wars (Maori vs Maori)
Before the wars with Europeans over grievances regarding confiscated land, there was a much larger and longer running war involving...

Jul 27, 2018
110: Kaiatia's early inhabitants were likely Melanesian
Kaiatia carving styles around the pacific. If you consider the end figures or manaia might represent some long forgotten image of a...