Jan 4, 2019
118: Dig Update
This dig was meant to be a big push with up to 5 helpers. Only one could make it in the end and while it slowed us down we still managed...
Dec 21, 2018
Sidestep: Bullroarers...and why this is important
The bullroarer is known to the Maori as a huhu, purorohu, turorohu, rangorango, wheorooro, and purerehua. Bull roarers are used...
Dec 7, 2018
117: Determining stature from bone length
So what if you find a skeleton in cave where it appears much larger than usual? How do you determine the height of the individual? Firstly...
Nov 18, 2018
Sidestep: Asiatic connections to Polynesian language
When the Chaldeans occupied that part of Asia which they afterwards made so famous, their Semitic language displaced that of a nation...
Oct 31, 2018
116: A new way to date bones
There is now a new way of dating skeletons. We will at some point in the near future have to send some samples off for analysis for...
Oct 12, 2018
Sidestep: Why Polynesians never discovered Lord Howe Island?
I have long wondered why Polynesians did not settle on Lord Howe Island. There is no Polynesian name for this island. It was purely a...
IJ and MD
Oct 5, 2018
115: Red hair - Oxidisation or Melanesian influence?
Below is a section showing a number of Maori heads all with black hair. How, keep in mind that all 6 of the heads shown here have all...
Sep 28, 2018
Sidestep: DNA from hair?
If we decide not to take bones samples it will be because there is something else available, something that provides access to DNA with...
Sep 21, 2018
114: Further early contact evidence of Melanesians
Early explorers and writers who recorded the ethnology of the native people of New Zealand frequently described physical characteristics...
Sep 14, 2018
Sidestep: Polynesians in California?
There appears to be a growing body of evidence to suggest that there were exchanges between Polynesian seafarers and native peoples in...