May 17, 2019
127: Dig Update
A recent dig was successfully completed with a new crew who were an awesome team and we achieved much more than expected while learning...
May 10, 2019
Sidestep: The Ancient racism of Hawaii
We discussed the Menehune of Hawaii in last weeks post, lets examine it a bit more. First, the purpose of this blog is to show most...
May 3, 2019
126: The Menehune of Hawaii and the real Tangata Whenua
Is there a link? Yes. Not of race but of type, and how they were treated by the Polynesian immigrants. We once wrote an article about...
Apr 26, 2019
Sidestep: Hawaii Special 2 - Remembering the Olowalu Massacre
As promised in the last article about the 'Hawaiian Giants' we promised an article on a massacre that occurred at Olowalu. This massacre...
Apr 19, 2019
Sidestep: Hawaii Special 1 - The Hawaiian Giants
This first article is from 1905 and is copied as printed. Please keep in mind it is written in the context of their understanding and...
Apr 12, 2019
125: Dig Update - Bad to the Bone
We are attempting to reveal whether the story of 14 8'+ non-Polynesian skeletons found in a cave and quickly resealed was true. We were...
Apr 5, 2019
Sidestep: Cock's-comb hooded carvings
Seven out of the next nine numbered post or sidesteps are connected to artifacts, comparisons or stories from Hawaii. We want to depart...
Mar 29, 2019
124: When we say 'tall'...
When we say we are searching for the 8' ‘tall-ones’ that existed before Polynesians came... what do we mean by tall? After all, there are...
Mar 22, 2019
Sidestep: The Matira Design
There is one particular petroglyph from the Matira site that has always intrigued us because it has nothing in common anywhere within NZ,...
Mar 15, 2019
123: How was our cave entrance formed?
I have hunted the web for years to find pictures of other dry phreatic tubes and still haven't been able to find anything elsewhere...