Aug 16, 2019
Sidestep: Mauku's Ancient Weapon
Is this another Melanesian style oddity? I know we keep on banging on about Melanesia lately, and there is a reason for that, but bear...

Aug 9, 2019
133: Dig Update
Dig 19 was one were '7 mile' continued to be excavated. It was a single day dig, the first single day dig since February, but this time...

Aug 2, 2019
Sidestep: Lapita
The Lapita people arrived in the Pacific around 1500BC to 1000BC. We know they came from Asia as DNA tells us so. In fact they came from...

Jul 26, 2019
132: Exploring Waitaha
This first post on Waitaha is a very brief look, just to ask some questions. It's complied off various sources and in some cases those...

Jul 19, 2019
Sidestep: Ancient drains of Kaiatia
The first article we produced on old drains was in 2016. You can read it here: http://tangatawhenua16.wixsite.com/the-first-ones-blog/sin...

Jul 12, 2019
131: Great Barrier Island giants (2)
Incidentally, this is our 250th article on this website. Way back in 2016 we did an article based on the newspaper report about the...

Jul 5, 2019
Sidestep: The Maero - NZ's bigfoot
There was an article in Stuff last week about Marc Coppell, a paranormal investigator from Auckland about to try to find our own NZ...

Jun 28, 2019
130: Dig Update
The most recent digs (17 & 18) occurred once again with a team of five. This time the progress was down what I've called '7 mile' (a long...

Jun 21, 2019
Sidestep: Melanesians were here first
The headline suggests we are sure, but we aren't (I was just pretending to be a NZ journalist using inaccurate bait click headlines)....

Jun 14, 2019
129: Archaeology vs Pseudo-Archaeology
An Archaeologist: An Archaeologist is one who undertakes a scientific and humanistic activity which studies past human cultures through...