Mar 29, 2019
124: When we say 'tall'...
When we say we are searching for the 8' ‘tall-ones’ that existed before Polynesians came... what do we mean by tall? After all, there are...

Mar 22, 2019
Sidestep: The Matira Design
There is one particular petroglyph from the Matira site that has always intrigued us because it has nothing in common anywhere within NZ,...

Mar 15, 2019
123: How was our cave entrance formed?
I have hunted the web for years to find pictures of other dry phreatic tubes and still haven't been able to find anything elsewhere...

Mar 10, 2019
Sidestep: Cook Islands as Hawaiiki ?
The Cook Islands are the news at the moment. We understand they never had a collective name for the islands as a whole. It seems that to...

Mar 7, 2019
Bones Of Contention Campaign
If you want to see 8' tall skeletons of a pre-Polynesian race, (even if already have proof they existed) you'll have to wait, just like...

Mar 1, 2019
122: Evolutionary Giants (rehash)
We are looking for skeletal evidence of what some would call giants (8'+) that existed in NZ before the Polynesians got here. Crazy...

Feb 22, 2019
Sidestep: Giant Skeleton 'found' in Malaysia?
The below article was written by Paul Seaburn in 2016 'Skeleton of Giant Reportedly Found on Malaysian Island' How tall does one have to...

Feb 15, 2019
121: Dig Update (with unexpected bonus)
Our latest dig inside Kūwaha Tāwhetaana allowed us to enlarge a huge area as a safety zone. From here is where we push forward with...

Feb 8, 2019
Sidestep: Thick Boned and Californian
The remains of a man buried 3,800 years ago in a richly decorated California grave bear some unusual but unmistakable features — a...

Feb 1, 2019
120: Dig Update
This was the third dig of January and was completed with 2 helpers. It took just over four hours and achieved much. It doesn't sound like...