Apr 22, 2017
91: Polynesia's Taiwan roots
There was an article labeled Hawaiiki is Taiwan based on the revelation that DNA from Taiwan was in Polynesian DNA. Ok, that may be true,...

Apr 15, 2017
Sidestep: Pukepohatu
About 17km north of Wellsford is a town called Kaiwaka. Just 5km north of there is a hill called Bald Rock. Obviously the dome is just...

Apr 11, 2017
90: Ancient & Unusual Adzes
A group of adzes, rarely seen, have emerged as worthy of revealing, (at least by us). You will not find them in the collection lists of...

Apr 5, 2017
Sidestep: Mocha Island
Mocha Island is a small (13x5.5 kilometers) island located 35 km from the southern coast of the Arauco region of south central Chile....

Mar 31, 2017
89: Bay of the King
This is no Aprils Fools joke, these rocks represent an ancient ruler prior to Polynesian arrival. We all know about Raglan and the...

Mar 26, 2017
Sidestep: Another Carved Stone Figure
The elaborately-carved stone figure shown below was found in a drainage excavation in Onewa Road, North-cote, Auckland, around 1925 by a...

Mar 22, 2017
88: What does 'Aotearoa' really mean?
The purpose of this discussion is to show how things are interpreted, reinterpreted or changed according to situation or just by the...

Mar 16, 2017
Sidestep: The Kiangaroa Carvings
Not far off the road from Taupo is a little known rock shelter. It is not marked on any sign, but if you see cars parked up in the middle...

Mar 12, 2017
87: Pre-Maori evidence
Our dig is all about the heading, that is, finding evidence of tall skeletons whose stature, carbons dating and DNA record will show they...

Mar 6, 2017
Sidestep: Why burial boxes...?
Archaic burial boxes of this country seem to come in some odd shapes.Of course the more recent ones are classic Maori design such as...