Dec 19, 2016
80: What does evolution tell us about Giants
I recently scanned through the archives of an American archaeological site using the word giant. In regard to humans all they said was...
Dec 15, 2016
Sidestep: Patagonian Giants
Stories of giants in the old world (pre 1700's) exist everywhere in the world including NZ which is what our purpose is about. But the...
Dec 8, 2016
79: Crawling to the conclusion
Delays, illness, vehicle problems, changed work schedules, inclement weather and a certain amount of procrastination have prevented much...
Dec 2, 2016
Sidestep: How the dead lie
Burial for part-Maori these days is the same as most everyone else, cremation or burial in a coffin in a cemetery (Urupa). However, the...
Nov 24, 2016
78: The Rumahanga Skull
In 2004 a skull found on the banks of the Ruamahunga River in the Wairarapa by Sam Tobin who was walking his dog. It turned out to be a...
Nov 19, 2016
Sidestep: The Anaweka Waka
The discovery by picnickers in early January 2012 of a 6.08m-long hull section from an obviously ancient and complex composite canoe on...
Nov 14, 2016
76: Giantism or a race of giants?
Before we discuss giants or a tall race (a ‘tall’ person being relative to the average height of the differing population at the time...
Nov 8, 2016
Giantism (Revisited)
The following is from a post on 24th January 2016. There are certain posts we wish to present again at this time. 12: Do extraordinary...
Nov 2, 2016
75: Evidence of pre-occupation?
We have stated our belief many times of a people existing in this land long before the mass Polynesian immigrations began. We don't know...
Oct 29, 2016
Sidestep: The Dendroglyphs of the Chathams
Many have seen pictures of the famous dendroglyphs of the Chatham Islands, known as Rēkohu in Moriori. But when you say how many are...