Sep 28, 2016
71: Chevroned Pendants
Anyone else wonder why chevroned pendants only appear in NZ and only in locations regarded as ancient in occupation times. Has anyone...

Sep 23, 2016
Sidestep: Kohika
Kohika is a swamp pa near the Tarawera River and on its flood plain. It is set back from the coast, centred on a remnant of the sand...

Sep 18, 2016
70: Raglan Recap
This is a repeat of an article from 13th January this year, just after we started this website to record the progress of our dig. And by...

Sep 14, 2016
Sidestep: 'Tangata Whenua' (from the journals)
The following are excerpts from The Journal of the Polynesian Society from 1880 to about 1955. They document certain aspects of who was...

Sep 8, 2016
Editorial #2: What is culture?
It took a long time to write this. I needed to be as accurate and as sensitive as I could and to be honest, whatever I write will be...

Sep 4, 2016
69: Giants of the Pacific (2)
Terje Dahl once sailed and lived in the Pacific in the 1980’s. He complied stories from the old men about the legends concerning giants,...

Aug 29, 2016
68: The grim history of Maori trading ancestors preserved heads
I'll begin by highlighting the real emphasis... The Grim History of Maori trading ancestors heads. Whilst it is true that many preserved...

Aug 25, 2016
Sidestep: Ngai Tahu's claim to land
"Land is either gifted, bought or taken." Ngai Tahu came from the North Island to the south. They did not just give up their traditional...

Aug 20, 2016
67: Dig update
The weather had created problems for us and apart from aching joints and pulling muscles trying to move around in cramped spaces...the...

Aug 15, 2016
Sidestep: Fortified Pa
Where did the Maori get the idea of defensive Pa’s. What is obvious is that they were a fighting people, but where did the idea of...