Jul 9, 2016
Sidestep: Okiwi bay artefact
Okiwi Bay is in the news recently and it reminded me to post up this unusual 'patu'. Marlborough Sounds have been the source of some very...

Jul 7, 2016
62: A little helper
You've all seen WALL.E, that adorable little robot character from the movies... Well, now meet RODN.E our new deep dirt reconnaissance...

Jul 5, 2016
61a: Well, maybe a little bit more
It's official - this is going to take much longer. Around the bend we were aiming for, we can now see...damn it - more dirt! When this is...

Jun 17, 2016
61: Not much more....
We've decided to post less regularly on this site until we are in. Firstly, because of the time it takes to research material, secondly...

Jun 14, 2016
60: A maximum of 12
In post #58, I said a race of humans above 12' could simply not exist - (maybe as an individual freak of nature but certainly not as a...

Jun 11, 2016
Sidestep: pohutukawa & ōhiʻa lehua
Just an irrelevant sidestep about the Pohutukawa tree and the ʻōhiʻa lehua tree of Hawaii. We all know the story of the pohutukawa tree...

Jun 9, 2016
59: Pheomelanin
Maori tradition states that the original inhabitants before Maori immigrated here were of mixed size, colour and appearance. Some had red...

Jun 7, 2016
58: A Giant sized problem
You all know by know we are seeking to expose the existence of ancient skeletons hidden from public knowledge and at least 8' tall. Some...

Jun 5, 2016
57: So who will we find?
From 4th February... It is so hard to get accurate information on who these 'tall ones' supposedly discovered actually are. Who are they...

Jun 3, 2016
56: The most unusual ones
Here is a collection of the most unusual Maori or pre-Maori artifacts and objects I have found since beginning an internet exploration of...