May 20, 2016
Sidestep - Pakeha (what does it mean)
Firstly we should make it clear that the names meaning is not exactly known. Many would say different things but there does seem to be a...
May 18, 2016
53: Something out of place
Not far from Matria Rd is a site that has basalt columns that not only look out of place - they ARE out of place. That is a key to most...
May 17, 2016
Sidestep: The question of Maori descent
This is a revisit of the post of 27th February and asks a controversial question. Can you really call yourself Maori if you have anything...
May 14, 2016
52: The real 'dirt' on TangataWhenua16
Yes, we said we'd be in by now. Yes, it's taking longer than expected...and yes, that's life sometimes. If you had to do by hand what we...
May 10, 2016
Sidestep: Mangareva Island style
Back on 29th February I posted about an artefact from Dunedin called the Okia Artefact. Here is the link for the post from that date....
May 9, 2016
51: Some other notes...(Revisited)
We may go quiet for a week or so on articles so I'm going to repeat some old ones that many may not have seen. Time won't permit me the...
May 7, 2016
Sidestep: The Redheads
Rather than focus on redheaded Maori descendants living now, I've gone back to the 1800's where collections of heads, many 200 years old...
May 4, 2016
50: Entry begins
We have delayed release of actual digs and these have already begun and are now able to see the end of Kūwaha Tāwhetaana without the need...
May 2, 2016
Sidestep: The Birdmen of Hawaii
We all know of the birdmen rocks of Rapanui, the carved rocks of Easter Island that have fascinated many for as long as the Moai have....
Apr 30, 2016
49: Rapanui and the Pouto Peninsula
Around 1992 Maxine Stringer found an unusual carving in the sand hills of Pouto at the Kaipara-Hokianga coast. Noel Hilliam recovered the...