IJ and MD
Nov 14, 2017
Sidestep: The Kura-nui
It has been a matter of discussion among scientists and others, as to whether the Maori ever knew the Moa (Dinornis) as a living bird. It...

Oct 28, 2017
100: Tangata Whenua (Part 2)
Unlike European thought (where people own parcels of land), in Māori thinking the land is regarded as a mother to the people. In fact the...

Oct 15, 2017
Sidestep: The pre-history to the discovery...
Many of you may already know this story but many hundreds more may have only followed stories on Facebook or explored recent articles. As...

Sep 28, 2017
99: Tangata Whenua (Part 1)
The term is regarded as meaning ‘people of the land’ (original inhabitants) according to Maori. These words also mean: Tangata: Human,...

Sep 22, 2017
Revisited: Understanding Ownership
Being election day and in light of the debate on land compensation and water ownership going on presently, we reproduce an article from...

Sep 15, 2017
Sidestep: The First One
Below is a reproduction of our very first numbered post on this website. Little did we know we would find the location of other sites...

Aug 28, 2017
98: Ngutu-au - Ancient visitors to Aotearoa
Below is an extract from a tale gained by a George Graham well before 1905 (when the account was first published). The information came...

Aug 11, 2017
Sidestep: A Grim History
Whilst it is well known that some preserved heads were stolen, and many articles appear about the "grim history of NZ’s stolen heads", it...

Jul 25, 2017
97: The Mikonui artefact
Continuing in the revealing of unusual items found in NZ that are non-Maori in origin, we present the following. There is much in common...

Jul 9, 2017
Sidestep: The Stone Bowls
In the 1930's on the upper slopes of Mt. Olympus, Marlborough (foreground above) there was found a stone bowl measuring ten inches in...