Jan 31, 2016
16: Who carved these designs?
Did a sub-tribe of Waitaha carve this? Was it the 'stone people' - the Urekehu? Was it yet another ancient, small and unknown tribe here...

Jan 29, 2016
Sidestep: What can you claim as yours?
I admire Ngai Tahu. They are a tribe who has done extremely well with what they have. They received a settlement of $170 million in 1999...

Jan 28, 2016
15: Bones hold many secrets...
I found it mind-boggling that you could discover through the chemical signature locked in the bones what a man was eating and drinking....

Jan 27, 2016
14: If stones could talk
At cave 2 there are possible markers hinting where the entrance is, but as always this needs to be taken with a grain of salt (preferably...

Jan 27, 2016
Sidestep: Just when you thought...
So while starting this site specifically about revealing the skeletons of the 'tall ones', I keep seeing other things and getting...

Jan 26, 2016
Sidestep: Unusual Artifacts
These are taken at the Auckland Museum. I would bet there's heaps more stored away as elsewhere in the country. Maori didn't carve rocks...

Jan 25, 2016
13: Origins
Where did the Tangata Whenua come from, and where did the Maori who came later arrive from. Most say Hawaiki which if you think of the...

Jan 24, 2016
Sidestep: Rock piles
This is off our task and topic, but we have all seen a lot stated about the remains of beehive houses around NZ. I'm going to offend a...

Jan 23, 2016
12: Do extraordinary tall people exist?
Legends of giants occur everywhere. But bones are hard to find once people say they discover them. There are lots of old black and white...

Jan 22, 2016
11: Were the Urukehu tall?
We have seen in previous posts about red hair and lighter skin in the stories Maori told the European. But there were no stories about...