Feb 6, 2016
Sidestep: The tradition of land ownership
As a follow on to the treaty post on 12th January and the principle of ownership post on 30th January, I found this interesting piece...
Feb 5, 2016
19: Our real purpose
If you’re reading this you may have looked through most of the site. I encourage you to read it all from the beginning of post no.1. If...
Feb 4, 2016
Sidestep: Legends
There is a rock called Tokahaere situated just off Aoteroa Rd, 6km south of Wharepapa South in the Waikato. The whole area is popular...
Feb 3, 2016
18: More on who the 'tall ones' really are
It is so hard to get accurate information on who these 'tall ones' supposedly discovered actually are. See our previous posts about...
Feb 3, 2016
Sidestep: Te Uenuku
This post involves an interesting piece of early NZ history. Below are pictures of a famous carving from the museum at Te Awamutu. Tainui...
Feb 1, 2016
17: Hineana cave
If you have been on various sites to do with the skeletons of the 'tall ones' you will have read about the Tameana and Hineana caves....
Jan 31, 2016
Sidestep: Mokomokai
Below is an article I found in It is about returning preserved heads (mokomokai). Dignity for Relics “For decades, New...
Jan 31, 2016
16: Who carved these designs?
Did a sub-tribe of Waitaha carve this? Was it the 'stone people' - the Urekehu? Was it yet another ancient, small and unknown tribe here...
Jan 29, 2016
Sidestep: What can you claim as yours?
I admire Ngai Tahu. They are a tribe who has done extremely well with what they have. They received a settlement of $170 million in 1999...
Jan 28, 2016
15: Bones hold many secrets...
I found it mind-boggling that you could discover through the chemical signature locked in the bones what a man was eating and drinking....