Jan 22, 2016
Sidestep: Lady of the lake
If you are into all things Maori, you will have heard about the lady of the lake in Fiordland. She is purported to be a Maori maiden...

Jan 21, 2016
10: Jaw Lines
There is much discussion (yet little proof) that whenever the 'tall ones' skeletons are discovered they do not have the traditional...

Jan 21, 2016
9: The Urukehu
In 1930, a book written by James Cowan was published. Within it are some interesting comments about those he encountered. Keep in mind...

Jan 16, 2016
8: The dark at the end of the tunnel
Cave 1 is a long hollowed out cave entrance that opens up far inside. This shot was taken from halfway along the tiny entrance using a...

Jan 15, 2016
7: NZ Petroglyphs
All rock carvings in NZ are unusual in that Maori did not carve rock as art. There are early Maori sites where they have 'painted' or...

Jan 15, 2016
6: We're standing on it
The Matria Rd site proves to be frustrating. Even with GPS coordinates and obvious features, the entrance remains covered. No point...

Jan 14, 2016
5: Tameana: Misinformation
If you are on this blog you will probably know about the story of Tameana and Hineana caves. What is on most sites has been copied and...

Jan 12, 2016
4: Nothing weird
Although some will see the pictures of the tattooed rocks in previous post and this one and think 'oh, here's another weird Celtic origin...

Jan 11, 2016
Sidestep: Treaty Settlements
This is an adendum to the yesterdays post of 11th Jan. We mentioned the treaty. Ignoring the political, here are the facts as a brief...

Jan 10, 2016
3: Some other notes
Many reading this may have heard about the so called 'tattooed' rocks at Raglan. Most are almost indiscernible now. They were not carved...